change qty to drop box and default is zero

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12 years ago
Due do a special requirement, i would like to change two things in the product page:

1. change qty field to a drop box instead of textbox
2. made the qty default as zero instead of 1

any ideas how, please help, thank you!
12 years ago
For 2.50, you can change quantity textfield to a select list with the following change:

Note that you can copy this view to your theme (using the same folder path) to preserve the changes when you update your store.

Edit: Views\Catalog\_ProductVariantAddToCart.cshtml

Remove or comment out line 16 and add the following code:
var maxQty = 100;
var selectList = new List<SelectListItem>(maxQty + 1);
for (var i = 0; i <= maxQty; i++)
    selectList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = i.ToString(), Value = i.ToString() });
@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EnteredQuantity, selectList, new { @class = "qty-input" })

You can control the number of items in the select list by modifying the line "var maxQty = 100;".  By being the first entry, the zero option is selected by default. This will affect both the SingleVariant and VariantsInGrid product templates.

12 years ago
(minor nitpick :)
You have for loop from 0 to less than or equal max.  That will add one more than your initially declared list capacity (which I think actually will double the list capacity).
Personally I'd start from 1 anyway  ... var i = 1; i <= maxQty; ...  , since we'd like customer to buy :)
12 years ago
New York wrote:
(minor nitpick :)

Thanks, code has been updated.

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