Excel Importing

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14 years ago
Hi Ladies & Gents,

I am having trouble in importing items through Excel. Initially the problem was saying that it didnt have have permissions to Microsoft Jet Database - i found a post which I cant find now saying that it was a medium trust issue. My hosters say that its fine on their end. So...

I modified my web.config to say:

<trust level="Medium">

Now the following error is returned...

Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

So i created my own Custom medium trust file and in the web.config file put:

<trust level="CustomMedium"/>
      <trustLevel name="CustomMedium" policyFile="mymediumtrust.config" />

and then in mymediumtrust.config put the default medium trust options and:

<SecurityClass Name="OleDbPermission" Description="System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>

However, i still the get the same error....

Am I doing something wrong here? Any help or suggestions would truely be appreciated.


14 years ago
OMFG - I can't believe it was that simple. It was nothing to do with Medium Trust at all.... Just needed read/write permission applying to {roo}/files/{all directories}....

simple really.
14 years ago
Ok... I now got working. Came to upload my first 475 products - whoop... it did it... however, i made a mistake on all of them!! so i corrected it and reimported it thinking that it would just overwrite the existing products... nope... it duplicated them.

I cant find a bulk delete button... anyone know how i can get rid of the 475 i dont want? also, is there a way of just overwriting products? and am i missing something but i cant import what product category / manufacturer they should be under....

any help greatly appreciated.
14 years ago
i think you can only delete them manually - 1 at a time - did you upload pictures already?  I ask because if you delete an item without deleting its associated images first, the images stay in the database taking up valuable space.

i suggest the best/fastest way to remove so many items is to open the database table (use vwd) and  edit the column

'deleted'  to read   True   for all the ones you don't want.

(if you have uploaded pictures,I guess in theory, you could also edit the pictures table replacing the data with a marker so that it was not null - rather than individually deleting them through the store)

i don't actually know if you can delete the whole record or if doing so would cause problems with the database

maybe someone else has knowledge on this?
13 years ago
I have the same problem importing my 1300 products to Nop. I have read a lot of the topics and none (sorry) are very clear to the ordinary Joe.  I have no programming experience and all this "trust level" etc is double dutch to me. I did try a reverse method which didnt work either. Went in to the test version in nop and exported the products listed there . This was no problem and I got them in an xls file. Deleted all but 5 of the products and tried to import this file but that didnt work either, still got the same "The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"
I have no idea how / where to change the settings from high to medium or low, or to change 64 to 32.
Can anyone help we with a simple step-by-step method to import my products before I go completely stone mad??
All replies very very welcome.
Thanks in advance
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