Override Existing Controller & Action in Nop Version 4.0

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6 years ago
Hi every body.

I want to Override Customer Controller (Register action inside that) in nop version 4.
please advice me, if possible.
My problem is more in ViewEngine and RouteProvider.
[Best Regards]
6 years ago
Hamidnch wrote:
Hi every body.

I want to Override Customer Controller (Register action inside that) in nop version 4.
please advice me, if possible.
My problem is more in ViewEngine and RouteProvider.
[Best Regards]

Like any other version, you need to inherit from CustomerController and override the method. You also need to register your new class so .net core can find, instantiate and inject the correct class.
6 years ago
Hi.Thanks for your reply.
My problem is Override route and view.
For example, What's alternative for these:

For Route:

            var productCreateRoute =
                    new { controller = "CustomProductAdmin", action = "CustomCreate", area = "Admin" },
                    new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.Controllers" });
            productCreateRoute.DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

            routes.Insert(0, productCreateRoute);

For ViewEngine:

    public class CustomViewEngine : ThemeableRazorViewEngine
ViewLocationFormats = new[]
                PartialViewLocationFormats = new[]
                AreaViewLocationFormats = new[]
                AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new[]

[Best Regards]
6 years ago
Hamidnch wrote:
Hi.Thanks for your reply.
My problem is Override route and view.
For example, What's alternative for these:

For Route:

            var productCreateRoute =
                    new { controller = "CustomProductAdmin", action = "CustomCreate", area = "Admin" },
                    new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.Controllers" });
            productCreateRoute.DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

            routes.Insert(0, productCreateRoute);

[Best Regards]

For route you can use simple routing like

public partial class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        /// <summary>
        /// Register routes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routeBuilder">Route builder</param>
        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapRoute("Plugin.Payments.PayPalDirect.Webhook", "Plugins/PaymentPayPalDirect/Webhook/",
                new { controller = "PaymentPayPalDirect", action = "WebhookEventsHandler" });


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a priority of route provider
        /// </summary>
        public int Priority
            get { return -1; }

You refer any payment plugin, it'll work.
6 years ago
Hamidnch wrote:

For ViewEngine:

    public class CustomViewEngine : ThemeableRazorViewEngine
ViewLocationFormats = new[]
                PartialViewLocationFormats = new[]
                AreaViewLocationFormats = new[]
                AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new[]

For TheamViewEngine you need to use "ExpandViewLocations" in Core.

Inherit your themeEngine by "IViewLocationExpander"

public class CustomViewLocationExpander : IViewLocationExpander
        private const string THEME_KEY = "nop.themename";
        public void PopulateValues(ViewLocationExpanderContext context)
            //no need to add the themeable view locations at all as the administration should not be themeable anyway
            if (context.AreaName?.Equals(AreaNames.Admin) ?? false)

            var themeContext = (IThemeContext)context.ActionContext.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IThemeContext));
            context.Values[THEME_KEY] = themeContext.WorkingThemeName;
        public IEnumerable<string> ExpandViewLocations(ViewLocationExpanderContext context, IEnumerable<string> viewLocations)
            if (context.Values.TryGetValue(THEME_KEY, out string theme))
                viewLocations = new[] {

            return viewLocations;

6 years ago
And inherit your "DependencyRegistrar.cs" file with INopStartup

and register your CustomViewLocationExpander.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
           //themes support
            services.Configure<RazorViewEngineOptions>(options =>
                options.ViewLocationExpanders.Add(new CustomViewLocationExpander());
6 years ago
Thanks for your reply. It was a very comprehensive and complete.
[Best regards]
6 years ago
rajupaladiya wrote:
Hi.Thanks for your reply.
My problem is Override route and view.
For example, What's alternative for these:

For Route:

            var productCreateRoute =
                    new { controller = "CustomProductAdmin", action = "CustomCreate", area = "Admin" },
                    new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.Controllers" });
            productCreateRoute.DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

            routes.Insert(0, productCreateRoute);

[Best Regards]

For route you can use simple routing like

public partial class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        /// <summary>
        /// Register routes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routeBuilder">Route builder</param>
        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapRoute("Plugin.Payments.PayPalDirect.Webhook", "Plugins/PaymentPayPalDirect/Webhook/",
                new { controller = "PaymentPayPalDirect", action = "WebhookEventsHandler" });


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a priority of route provider
        /// </summary>
        public int Priority
            get { return -1; }

You refer any payment plugin, it'll work.

Hi again.

I wrote this:

  public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        #region Implementation of IRouteProvider

        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapLocalizedRoute("Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin", "Admin/Home/Index", new
                controller = "CustomHomeAdmin",
                action = "Index"

        public int Priority => -1;


But,Can not worked.

6 years ago
Hamidnch wrote:

I wrote this:

  public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        #region Implementation of IRouteProvider

        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapLocalizedRoute("Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin", "Admin/Home/Index", new
                controller = "CustomHomeAdmin",
                action = "Index"

        public int Priority => -1;


But,Can not worked.


For admin route you need to use Map.AreaRoute.

Use like this

routeBuilder.MapAreaRoute(name: "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin",
                    template: "Admin/Home/Index",
                    areaName: "Admin",
                    defaults: new { controller = "CustomHomeAdmin", action = "Index" }

This will help you :)
6 years ago
rajupaladiya wrote:

I wrote this:

  public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        #region Implementation of IRouteProvider

        public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
            routeBuilder.MapLocalizedRoute("Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin", "Admin/Home/Index", new
                controller = "CustomHomeAdmin",
                action = "Index"

        public int Priority => -1;


But,Can not worked.


For admin route you need to use Map.AreaRoute.

Use like this

routeBuilder.MapAreaRoute(name: "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin",
                    template: "Admin/Home/Index",
                    areaName: "Admin",
                    defaults: new { controller = "CustomHomeAdmin", action = "Index" }

This will help you :)

Hi dear.
Thanks for your reply.
I used this route:

            routeBuilder.MapAreaRoute(name: "Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sample.HomeAdmin",
                                       template: "Admin/Home/Index",
                                       areaName: "Admin",
                                       defaults: new
                                           controller = "CustomHomeAdmin",
                                           action = "CustomIndex"

But this method did not work!
I set break point,but execute original Home Controller in Admin area.
Does it have other tips? I have other work to do?

Thanks a lot.
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