Product Page inside a topic page

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5 years ago

Please, Do you know how it's possible to insert
the view of a product Page like ProductTemplate.Simple
(called by his Id)
inside a special Topic ?

5 years ago
well it is not possible unless you customise the topic code to search for inserted ID's withig some token and then do something special with it
5 years ago
But, Even with an iframe or something like that ?

In fact i would like to create topics like that :

Topic 1 : Title

content part. 1
Sed maximum est in amicitia parem esse inferiori. Saepe enim excellentiae quaedam sunt, qualis erat Scipionis in nostro, ut ita dicam, grege. Numquam se ille Philo, numquam Rupilio, numquam Mummio anteposuit, numquam inferioris ordinis amicis, Q. vero Maximum fratrem, egregium virum omnino, sibi nequaquam parem, quod is anteibat aetate, tamquam superiorem colebat suosque omnes per se posse esse ampliores volebat.

content part. 2
His cognitis Gallus ut serpens adpetitus telo vel saxo iamque spes extremas opperiens et succurrens saluti suae quavis ratione colligi omnes iussit armatos et cum starent attoniti, districta dentium acie stridens adeste inquit viri fortes mihi periclitanti vobiscum.

Thanks for your ideas.
5 years ago
I suppose I was refering to an active product page with all the bits and pieces
But maybe, you can put a youtube video in a topic
5 years ago

I've found it : with a widget plugin (Product Collections)

and a custom widget zone inside the Topic.

Thanks for all
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