Fedex tracking code.

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5 years ago
You created Reference.cs for Fedex Tracking using Microsoft wdsl generator.
This generator has a bug.
It works bad with arrays
Read about it

Your code

        [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("NotificationEventsAvailable", typeof(EMailNotificationEventType), IsNullable=false)]
        public EMailNotificationEventType[][] RecipientDetails
                return this.recipientDetailsField;
                this.recipientDetailsField = value;

Correct code

        [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("NotificationEventsAvailable", typeof(EMailNotificationEventType[]), IsNullable=false)]
        public EMailNotificationEventType[][] RecipientDetails
                return this.recipientDetailsField;
                this.recipientDetailsField = value;
5 years ago
Thanks for pointing out this. Here is a work item.
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