You have received a new private message - every 5 min but where do they come from and where to see them?

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5 years ago

I get emails (into admin email account) stating the following:

Subject: You have received a new private message
Body: You have received a new private message.

Where do they come from and where to see all of that private messages?

Thank you
5 years ago
You have Forums enabled, and also Forum Settings > allow private messages
Someone (spammer?) is sending you a private message.
Log in to the public store and see your messages in "My Account".
5 years ago
Forum is disabled
PM is enabled

I just didn't know where to look for PM messages.

Anyway -it was my code:

            _workflowMessageService.SendPrivateMessageNotification(new Core.Domain.Forums.PrivateMessage()
                FromCustomer = norep,
                Subject = "Email sent to customer",
                ToCustomer = owner,
                Text = "Subject: " + subject + Environment.NewLine + "Message: " + omsg,
                CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow
            }, 0);

I thought it would send emails but seems it just post PMs and send email to admin about new PM

if anyone will look for email sending, here is the code:

            email = new QueuedEmail
                Priority = QueuedEmailPriority.High,
                EmailAccountId = eaccId,
                FromName = _customerService.GetCustomerFullName(norep),
                From = norep.Email,
                ToName = _customerService.GetCustomerFullName(customer),
                To = string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Email)?orderEmail:customer.Email,
                Subject = subject,
                Body = msg,
                CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

Thank you all
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