Integration with Umbraco

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13 years ago
Hello there nopCommerce users!  I am new to nopCommerce development and I am attempting to integrate nopCommerce with Umbraco (also new with Umbraco... what a fix I am in huh!!! :-) ).  I have done .net development before and am not new to object oriented design or DBMS or database design and implementation.  I am a little new to web development and (most development I have done was on the code behinds) and other web languages, but I wouldn't think it would be that hard right?  

If you guys could give me general advice on how to approach integration I would appreciate it.  My thinking on the issue is that I should keep the nop and umbraco databases seperate.  Just create a login service that will log them into Umbraco admin tool (or transversely Nop)

If there are images or other content to share, I would just write a script that would update both the database accordingly.

I think I may have identified which tables in the nop commerce website handled user logins.  Namely:
Nop_Customer for customers and Nop_Forums_Forum for forums users and such.  Umbraco has an appropriate users table that is to hard to understand:

I guess I am in need of lots of help.  If anyone can point me to valuable resources or provide a good start, I would definitly appreciate it.  Thanks a ton.

13 years ago
Just type umbraco in the forum search and you will see lots of other activity
13 years ago
13 years ago
Thanks for the links and other advice.  I now have a clearer idea of what needs to be done.  For reasons that shall not be disclosed, I can not completely combine\integrate both NopCommerce and Umbraco.  I am basically just going to have both websites in the same directory, and when a user logs into one, he is going to be logging in to both websites basically.  So the Databases will not be the same, (but there will be some sql scripts of some kind that are going to have to run to keep everything in sink obviously).  

Now I am trying to slightly update the login procedure of NopCommerce to get this done.  
I am currently working in the Modules\CustomerLogin.aspx code behind to try and understand how this thing truly authenticatates users (If you have any advice about how that goes, please feel free to let me know).  But what I want to do is
during the OnLoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e){} event I want to basically authenticate that the user is an umbraco user (umbraco users would be administrators and NopCommerce users would simply be just customers).  The customerlogin.aspx page would basically send a javascript request to a custom Umbraco page with the userId and password in the querystring (securely of course).  This custom umbraco login page would then check to see if the user is a in the system(if he is then he is an administer if not he is just a customer).  It would then somehow need to set a cookie on the client side to tell the browser what access he has.  The hard part is figuring out how that would be done.  Maybe there is a better way to do it?  Maybe someone has done something similar to this and that someone has some ideas of how to get this done?  In either case please respond with any advice\tips\tutorials that you can (I need real help).

I will post this on the main page as well to see if I can't get a higher number of responses
13 years ago
You can vote for this integration here, where NopCommerce does their source management.

NopCommerce and Umbraco would be a brilliant combination with a tighter integration.
11 years ago

We have created a setup we call ProCloud. It runs on a shared cloud hosting model where Umbraco and Nopcommerce comes fully integrated. You can basically say Umbraco is used for all CMS related and Ecommerce is handled by Nopcommerce but all within a single login scheme.

We have recently added integration to Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Dynamics C5 as well as Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

If you are interested we can also help you with your own local version, however it requires development skills to do that.
11 years ago
Soeren wrote:

We have created a setup we call ProCloud. It runs on a shared cloud hosting model where Umbraco and Nopcommerce comes fully integrated. You can basically say Umbraco is used for all CMS related and Ecommerce is handled by Nopcommerce but all within a single login scheme.

We have recently added integration to Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Dynamics C5 as well as Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

If you are interested we can also help you with your own local version, however it requires development skills to do that.

Looks interesting. But I don't see any information about features (in details), screenshots, prices, demo on your site.
11 years ago
Hi Andrei,

Great you like the concept. We will soon post some more details with screenshots, video etc. Pricing wise we do not charge for the setup itself. We provide the customers with the integrated solution free of charge but obviously charge for the time we spend on customization, design, marketing services etc. I think this setup is really powerful because it remedies any shortcomings in Nopcommerce in terms of general CMS functionality potentially allowing for development to focus on core ecommerce features in Nopcommerce which we by the way already love ;-)

If you want a more detailed run down talk to Sergey Kourson [email protected] or call +45 53 65 0252 (He is Russian but lives in Denmark )
10 years ago
i have successfully integreate to nopCommerce source code with umbraco  and implement our design by the help of visual studio. When i try to compile the code i got some error, class not found like product manager, customer manager ,CategoryManager or all manager class.  i cross checked these class in source code. so could any one please tell me how can i get rid of this problem...... Thanks in advance.
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