Cruise Control (Continuous Integration) fro nopCommerce

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8 years ago
Hi, we are using nopCommerce for one of our client. We like to have Cruise Control as continuous integration tool.

We are using the MSBuild.exe to build the solution, but it is failing.

Does anyone have done Cruise Control integration for nopCommerce ? then please help us.

8 years ago
dtkubal wrote:
Hi, we are using nopCommerce for one of our client. We like to have Cruise Control as continuous integration tool.

We are using the MSBuild.exe to build the solution, but it is failing.

Does anyone have done Cruise Control integration for nopCommerce ? then please help us.


Hi dtkubal,

We use TeamCity as continuous integration server but I guess it should be straightforward to use Cruise Control .NET with nopCommerce. Basically you just need to build the NopCommerce.sln using MSBuild.
If you have difficulties using msbuild then you can run a batch file i.e Build.bat that will do the following:
 %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe NopCommerce.sln

Just make sure you place this file in the same folder where the NopCommerce.sln is.
You can also specify additional msbuild options like:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe NopCommerce.sln /p:DebugSymbols=false /maxcpucount

Hope this helps!
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