
Here is the Shipping By Country & Order Weight & Price Extension. I'm using it on my web site www.etiketten-terminal.de (in German), and works without any problem. It's now in development stage, but nopCommerce team can add its to showcase section, if its possible.

That's a simple extension, I hope also it helps you to develop new extensions.

http://www.etiketten-terminal.com/extensions/ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice.rar Download The Shipping By Country & Order Weight & Price Extension

And here is the copy of the readme file:

Readme File for ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice Extension
by Yunus Emre "iz" Deligöz , 30.07.2010-15:02

With ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice Shipping Rate Computation extension, you can add shipping charges for each

country at a fixed price between specified weights

Here is the installation

1. Execute Sql-Script in DB (ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice.sql)

2. "Update model from database" for NopModel.edmx
  -Rename table name Nop_ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice to ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice
  -Delete new navigation properties from model. (For Tables: Nop_ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice and other

two tables for CountryId, ShippingMethodId )
  Note: After model update if any connection error occurs, you can try to change {Nop}\Libraries

\Nop.BusinessLogic\app.config file with the original 1.70 version of app.config file.

3. Copy or Add Necessary Files to Main Project
    Add Difference (NopObjectContext_AddThis.cs) to NopObjectContext.cs File or overwrite

NopObjectContext.cs (for 1.70 version)
    Copy - ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice.cs
    Copy - ShippingByCountryWeightAndPriceManager.cs
    Copy Folder - ShippingByCountryWeightAndPriceConfigure
    Copy Folder - Nop.Shipping.ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice, then Add this Project as Existing

Project to {Nop}\Shipping

4. Add Reference for the Project Nop.Shipping.ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice to the "NopCommerceStore" Web Site


5. Rebuild all the nopCommerce Solution

6. Go To Administration Page

  a. Configuration -> Shipping -> Shipping Rate Computation

  b. Click "Add New" Button
  c. Add New Shipping Rate Computation Method Details

  Name:               Shipping By Country & Order Weight &

  Configuration template path:  Shipping\ShippingByCountryWeightAndPriceConfigure\ConfigureShipping.ascx
  Class name:            


ComputationMethod, Nop.Shipping.ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice
  Active:              True
  d. Click "Save" Button
7. That's all, you can now configure ShippingByCountryWeightAndPrice Shipping Method

-Only tested with nopCommerce 1.70 version, using VS 2010 Ultimate, Win7 Pro. 64-bit, SQL Server 2008


Yunus Emre Deligöz