nopCommerce 2.10 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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12 năm cách đây
Rather than just having a list of features that people argue over, can we actually have some justification over why features are actually required or wanted???

It would be better than having the bun fights that appear to take place.

At present - not one person has given a justification why the community needs azure support for example. I believe I have given ample justification behind eBay functionality. Lets have some justification behind the functionality required, not just blind list of features.

I think then it may lead to little more clarity.
12 năm cách đây
Andrei, could you clarify when you intend to draw a line under this discussion, which might help people contribute more constructively to the feature list?
12 năm cách đây
techwarrior wrote:
At present - not one person has given a justification why the community needs azure support for example.

I agree.

It's strange that few important & useful e-commerce features have been removed in 2.0. Like this -

Andrei also specified clearly here that these removed features will not be added.

Don't know why stress is being put on extra stuff like WINDOWS AZURE rather than improving or adding ecommerce related features.

We can see here, windows azure got only 7 votes

i personally think windows azure is something that can wait even though it will be good to have it.

- Facebook, Open ID, Live ID membership integration (this is important, every website offers this)
- Mobile devices support (this is VERY important, today everything is on mobile phones/tablets)
- Multilingual SEO URLs (good to have it)
- CMS plugins support (widgets) (good to have it)
- Performance optimization (very important)
- One-page checkout support (was not included in 2.00) (important)
- Some other minor enhancements (important)
12 năm cách đây
techwarrior wrote:

To be frank wxDevelopment, your type of thinking is exactly why nopCommerce or any other eCommerce platform will fall behind magento. By making intergration to marketplaces, directly into the back-end, makes it simplier for merchants to upload products to these marketplaces - thus helping them to achieve more sales, and subsequently more merchants willing to look at nopCommerce as a realistic alternative out there.

Next you will be telling me that nopCommerce shouldn't provide integration to Google Shopping, etc...... of course they should! yes, the development team, can't develop all the functionality that is required by everyone at once. Had eBay not bought magento, I would drop the eBay mantra and ask the team to focus on a webservices API as a foundation - but in my opinion, eBay have unfortunately forced peoples hands on this now. And this needs addressing.

1. "Next you will be telling me that nopCommerce shouldn't provide integration to Google Shopping,"
-I never told That

2. I'm not comparing Magento eBay or nopCommerce I'm just working on nopCommerce and I like it so I have my opinion about that. So there is no reason to say that I'm arguing. If you want to create some plugins or third party integrations I think you are always welcome to nopCommerce. But If we talking about the platform it should be only the platform that sells items by itself not voer eBay or amazon or any other website.

Thank you for understanding.
12 năm cách đây
I also agree. Don't add a feature without proper justification. Features need to be prioritized based in how much money they can make #1 and time it could save the admin or customer #2. Like someone else said (I'm on my Windows phone at the moment so it's difficult to go back and check) but an e-commerce site is supposed to make money. With that said, I strongly feel that eBay integration, Bing Shopping Integration, Yahoo Shopping Integration, Yahoo Shopping Integration, PriceGrabber Integration, and all other shopping integrations starting with the one who has the most visitors should be Top Priority. Think of your website as a single view port.. Now, imagine if your products were listed on all or a couple of the above. It's obvious that more view ports equals more visitors equals more conversions equals More Money. Wouldn't you like to make more money? That should be justification enough.

P.S. Just saying it's important doesn't constitute justification. Why is it important? It doesn't make a difference to me if nopCommerce runs in the cloud unless there's money to be made.
12 năm cách đây
Does anyone imagine?
1.Your average item price is ~$300 how much you are giving to ebay???
2.And how much you should pay for your own nopCommerce store?

Just to clarify ebay is not the way for professional and branded online stores. Why do you need nopCommerce at all? Play around on ebay and enjoy by paying huge amounts for someone else.
Many companies just prohibited to sell their products on ebay because it looks like some "Cheap car boot sale"
12 năm cách đây
wxDevelopment wrote:

2. I'm not comparing Magento eBay or nopCommerce I'm just working on nopCommerce and I like it so I have my opinion about that. So there is no reason to say that I'm arguing. If you want to create some plugins or third party integrations I think you are always welcome to nopCommerce. But If we talking about the platform it should be only the platform that sells items by itself not voer eBay or amazon or any other website.

The platform should integrate with other Shopping services. nopCommerce used to include Froogle and Become Service Feeds, but they no longer work. I would have rather had those. Furthermore, it's a bad practice to not compare yourself to your competition. Adding integration to other shopping services gives people more reason to use nopCommerce..
12 năm cách đây
Hi guys,

I really like the new mvc version of nopCommerce... Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it.
I know this has been requested before, but with the new version I was hoping to see an improvement on the SEO as far as product images are concerned I would love to see the images reflect the product name (i.e. productId-product-name-imagecount_targetsize.lastPart => 123-product-name-3_100.jpg). I looked through the code and see that there are many sections that would be effected by a code change, therefore I am reluctant to make my own changes and then have to do it all over when the next updated comes out. Which I can only imagine is very soon... Are you at all considering to implement an image naming routine???

I agree with these feature requests...
- Facebook, Open ID, Live ID membership integration
- Performance optimization
- One-page checkout support
- The ability to upload tracking numbers back into the system, and fire the auto emails.

wishful thinking...
multi-store functionality (znode)

Thank you,
12 năm cách đây
I think we can implement all requested features in 2.10. There're some features that are really long-waited (for example, multi-store support). But in this case you'll see the next release in 1-2 years. I don't think that someone will want to wait for it. So let's start with the initial features (Facebook membership integration, Mobile devices support, Multilingual SEO URLs, etc).

P.S. If someone wants to propose a new feature, I recommend doing it here. I'll also allow other people to vote for it. Most of the tasks were chosen based on Codeplex votes (but not all of them)
12 năm cách đây
itsdt wrote:
Does anyone imagine?
1.Your average item price is ~$300 how much you are giving to ebay???
2.And how much you should pay for your own nopCommerce store?

Just to clarify ebay is not the way for professional and branded online stores. Why do you need nopCommerce at all? Play around on ebay and enjoy by paying huge amounts for someone else.
Many companies just prohibited to sell their products on ebay because it looks like some "Cheap car boot sale"

1. I'm maily interested in integration with Google Base/Shopping and Bing Shopping. Those are free services. And, I would gladly give eBay a portion if it increased my sales.
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