Shop By Manufacturer

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12 năm cách đây
Hi All,
does anyone know how to just show the top 10 manufacturers in the list on the homepage. I can see how to sort the list but I just want to show 10 in that list.

Many thanks :)
12 năm cách đây
For versions prior to 2.00, see the following topic:

For 2.00, edit file: Views\Catalog\ManufacturerNavigation.cshtml
change line 17 from:
@foreach (var manufacturer in Model)
to the following:
@foreach (var manufacturer in Model.Take(10))

12 năm cách đây
Hi, its the earlier version and the fix offered there doesnt work. It doesnt seem to work in the other guys application either.

Any ideas?

12 năm cách đây
I just test the solution provided in the previously linked topic on 1.90 and it works as intended. Which earlier version are you using? Are you recompiling the source version after making the change?

12 năm cách đây
Hi, I just changed the web.config and re-cached the site. How do I recompile it? The solution is fully exposed. There is no compiled code is there?
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