SSL in nopCommerce

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12 năm cách đây

I've seen that nopCommerce when used with SSL support active, use it only in certain parts of the app (Registration, Login, Admin, Shopping cart). I've bought the certificate installed in the server, changed web.config, but https is being used in much more places than it should. As an example after visiting the shoppings cart and going to the home page, the home page is using https, which in my case in a specific area (menu categories) I'm receiving an error message stating that a specific resource is not available.

Any ideas of what could be wrong with my setup? Anyone had similar behaviour?

Thanks in advance,
12 năm cách đây
12 năm cách đây
Thanks Andrei for your quick answer. But my problem is that I'm satisfied (at least for now) with the decision of protecting those specific pages, my problem is that I don't want to use ssl in more pages and navigating through the site pages that wasn't supposed to be protected show the https protocol enabled and the certificate. That's seems quite strange...

12 năm cách đây
For example entering the site in the default.aspx i get the http after visiting a page with ssl enabled, when I try to get the default.aspx I get the https...
12 năm cách đây
Do I need to be specific and put

public override PageSslProtectionEnum SslProtected
                return PageSslProtectionEnum.No;

Where I don't want to?
12 năm cách đây
The answer is yes! ;o)

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