nop 2.10 installs local but no on hosting company

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12 năm cách đây
I am able to set up and run nopCommerce 2.10 on my laptop but when I go to deploy, I get install errors.  I am able to create the database tables when I run the install locally so I figured I would just copy up the files in the App_Data directory up to the web server. nop 2.10 still trys to run the install.  What is the nop 2.10 looking for that it keeps trying to run an install wizard?
12 năm cách đây
Did you set "ASP.NET 4 integrated pipeline" on your hosting package? and do you have mvc installed on your server?
12 năm cách đây
I'll have to check my web hosting company.
12 năm cách đây
Never mind. I published it using the Platform Installer and now it works.  My guess is that there is something missing with the prepare and deploy batch files.  Geez, you have to be a computer programmer to understand this MVC stuff.
12 năm cách đây
I've had loads of the same trouble. I eventually used the Web Matrix tool to upload it to my hosting provider and then I ran the install wizard - however it was only the Web Platform version (1.90) When I tried to upgrade it to version 2.0 it killed my entire site. Now I've attempted to start again and install version 2.10 from the beginning, I've downloaded the Web Platform version from the codeplex site but I can't get it to install. How did you manage?
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