Nopcommerce slow?

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14 năm cách đây
Is it only me or is nopcommerce slow the first time the page loads i a browster?
I have tested this on different computers with different internet connections and it has always a very slow loading time the first time you visit a nopcommerce site(but when youre in its fast). I have also tested this on several different webhosting providers and also the "showoff shops" that you can find here and I feel that the sites are extremely slow (but only the first time, when youre in its fast).

Have anyone experienced this problem?
14 năm cách đây

This is because of IIS, if you do not have a high volume of users then IIS will recycle your application. This has been fixed with new scheduled task section of nopcommerce.

But if you are on a shared hosting environment this may not work so I advise if on a shared hosting environment you see if the provider offers a scheduled task service and set this task to run this task every 10 mins.

14 năm cách đây
Do a search on the internet for Smarter Ping.  It will "ping" a website every X minutes which will cause you website to stay "alive".  When you say its slow the first time you mean the first time when it hasn't been loaded for a while?? or for any new visitor?
14 năm cách đây
I agree. I've recently set up a low volume-traffic nopCommerce web site and it's painfully slow to open the first page for the first time. As Mike suggested, this is most likely due to IIS recycling the application.

Mike, when you say that it has been fixed with a new scheduled task, does this apply to version 1.30 or a forthcoming release?

Cheers, Simon
14 năm cách đây

This was fixed in version 1.20, but I believe if your site is on certain webhosts the scheduled tasks will not work. Usually you will be able to speak to your webhost they should be able to provide you with scheduled tasks that you will be set to keep your application going.

Are you hosting the site on your own server or a web hosting company?

14 năm cách đây

Thanks for the response. We're hosting the web site on our own dedicated server.

So I guess the next question is... what needs to be done to set up scheduled tasks?


14 năm cách đây
Do anyone have a site or an example of a nopcommerce site thats loading fast? (because yet I havent seen one), even the is loading slowly the first time it loads in my browster (the logo shows right away but the rest takes at least 2 seconds or more to load).
14 năm cách đây
Our demo store loads pretty quickly
13 năm cách đây
Skiltz wrote:
Do a search on the internet for Smarter Ping.  It will "ping" a website every X minutes which will cause you website to stay "alive".  When you say its slow the first time you mean the first time when it hasn't been loaded for a while?? or for any new visitor?

I have the same problem of loading the website after a while - very slow, I am using GoDaddy shared hosting, so really, they do not seem helpful!

Therefore, I used setCronJob that I found from this forum, so that look up the http://mysiteURL/KeepAlive/Ping.ashx, from the log, it shows the cron job works fine, as the feedback of 4 chars "Ping" is sending back, but when I access the website itself from the browser (say after 30 minutes of last access), it still hangs and loading for more than 30 seconds.

I am wondering if I need to set the crob job to visit http://mysiteURL OR http://mysiteURL/KeepAlive/Ping.ashx? If to to mysiteURL directly, will that mean of dirty accesses? I mean, for exmaple, the Google pagerank would recognise that I am trying to increase the accessibility using an auto-job every 10 minutes.  

Also, by using Smarter Ping, which URL you should ping? http://mysiteURL OR http://mysiteURL/KeepAlive/Ping.ashx? Will that cause above pagerank issue?

Please help, many thanks.
13 năm cách đây
Hey all - nopCommerce is in my opinion a very responsive and well built e-commerce site, as good as they come.
It has a very nice caching mechanism in the backend - so for my money any latency is caused by either 1) IIS app pool starting up because you're the first visitor in a while, or 2) poor hosting platform and of course 3)slow connection/heavy graphics.

For the IIS issue - which is a real factor when show-casing work to clients etc - I'd recommend this excellent, free and easy to use service:

Started using that couple of weeks ago and seems very reliable for "pinging" the site alive.
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