Problem with CSS

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15 năm cách đây
I have 2 problems. Firstly, in page PrivacyInfo.aspx or ConditionsInfo.aspx, I could not use <ul><li></li></ul>. When I preview in VS2008SP1, it displays as it should be. However, when I upload to my server or start debug (F5), It lost format. It only displayed correctly with tag <br>. I check again. It seems that CSS prevents to display bullet list. I'm using IE7. Secondly, in main.master, I added
<td valign="top" style="background-image:url('App_Themes/publicStore/images/MainLeft.jpg');background-color:Transparent">
<div class="ColumnLeft"
. When I click any link out side CategoryNavigation area, this image background displayed correctly as I expected. However, when I click any category link in CategoryNavigation area, ColumnLeft went back to white background. Please help me how to work around with these 2 problems.
15 năm cách đây
Well, for the second problem. I should use
. It works. I still don't know how to slove the problem about <ul><li></li></ul>. Does anybody know?
15 năm cách đây
Hi lovevhvlove,
edit the style for ul and li from the file App_Themes\publicStore\reset-fonts-grids.css
15 năm cách đây
Hi qais,
Thanks for your reply. I delete ul,li,ol in App_Themes\publicStore\reset-fonts-grids.css. So I think no CSS for them at all. Unfortunately, the problem still the same. They are still in long text and separate by <br>.
I want like this
1. Rule 1
2. Rule 2
3. Rule 3
it always like this
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule 3
15 năm cách đây
Personally I would delete the entire reset-fonts-grids.css. It will not be there in the next release anyway and it will save you a few headaches.

15 năm cách đây
Thank for reply. Unfortunately, the problem is still there eventhough I delete entire reset-fonts-grids.css. I think I have to use <b> and <br> to work around with it.
15 năm cách đây
add this to the style sheet"

.ProductDetailsInfo .fulldescription .li-s

.ProductDetailsInfo .fulldescription .li-d

.ProductDetailsInfo .fulldescription .li-c

in code:

    <li class="li-s">Material</li>
    <li class="li-s">Rental</li>
    <li class="li-s">Other</li>
    <li class="li-s">Sub-Contract</li>
    <li class="li-s">Labor</li>
    <li class="li-s">Miscellaneous</li>
    <li class="li-s">Freight</li>

Hope this helps.
15 năm cách đây
Hi ASP5. Thanks a lot. It works now.
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