return product id using javascript

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12 năm cách đây

I have three column in my page

1. Plan id (radio button)
2. duration
3. price

bind successfully with data from db,

1.     i have a button called submit.i want to validate, when i clicked on submit button, user has to select atleast one plan. i wanted to validate this part

2.  if user have selected plan.. i want to return plan id to method "AddToCartProduct"

I have herewith paste my code, It's very urgent.. Please help me

using (Html.BeginRouteForm("ShoppingCart", FormMethod.Post))
        <table class="cart">
           @* <col  width="1"/>*@
            <col width="1" />
            <col width="1" />
            <col width="1" />
                <tr class="cart-header-row">
                   @* <th class="end">
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                function validate(id)
                 var checked = false;
                    if (id != 0)
                    var checked = true;

                @foreach (var item in Model.PublisherSubscriptionSettingsItem)
                    <tr class="cart-item-row">
                      <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                          function validateRadioButtonList() {

                              var listItemArray = document.getElementsByName("removefromcart");
                              var isItemChecked = false;

                              for (var i = 0; i < listItemArray.length; i++) {
                                  var listItem = listItemArray[i];

                                  if (listItem.checked) {
                                      isItemChecked = true;

                              if (isItemChecked == false) {
                                  alert('Please select a project!');

                                  return false;

                              return true;

                        <input id="removefromcart" type="radio" name="removefromcart" value="@(item.Id)" />
                            <td style="white-space: nowrap;">
                            <span class="productPrice">@item.SubscriptionPlan</span>

                             <td style="white-space: nowrap;" class="end">
                            <span class="productPrice">@item.Price</span>
          <div class="clear">
        <div class="checkout-buttons">
        <input type="button" value="@T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart")" class="productlistaddtocartbutton"  onclick="setLocation('@(@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductToCart", new { productId = Model.Id }))')"/>
12 năm cách đây
Please tell.. how to get selected plan id

its urgent work. Please help me
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