Plugins and EntityFramework 4.3

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12 năm cách đây
I am working on my first PlugIn and I have 2 new tables that I added to the nopCommerce database.  I installed the Entity Framework through the installer and it installed EntityFramework 4.3.  I noticed that MailChimp uses version 4.2.  I'm getting a warning that "IncludeMetaData" convention is no longer used and to see cref="EdmModelDiffer".  

Question 1:  Do you think I should remove the EntityFramework reference and use the 4.2 version?
Question 2:  I am trying to duplicate the code and the views for PagedLists and I want to add a couple of menu items to the administration similar to the product or manufacturer lookups for example.  Is there an excample plugins that do something similar?
12 năm cách đây
I answered my owne questions. After about 50 hours of trying to create and install the plug-in that had made use of my 2 new related tables, I gave up.  Then I spent about 50 hours more duplicating much of the code for products and manufacturers right within nopCommerce.  Final result:  Yay!! I got it working!!!

Rapid Application Development?  Definately Not!  But, next time I have to add something like this to nopCommerce, it should take me about 20 hours instead of 100.  I'll get back to everyone next week on how I added 2 new tables into the database and got it to work within nopCommerce 2.4.
12 năm cách đây
i'd be really interested in a post abt how you did it ~
12 năm cách đây
I am going to provide you the first "trick".  I find it ridiculous to code in all the field information for tables that are already in the setup in the database.  I created a separate temporary application and ran the Entity Framework Reverse Engineering utility from the Entity Framework PowerTools (see: to generate the code layout.
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