Shipping Address fields

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12 năm cách đây
Hello everyone,

I'm currently using version 2.40 and attempting to get Shipping address fields on the registration form.

I went and created it on the View as well as added the fields to the RegisterModel.cs file.

Now what I was assuming was it was taking the fields and emailing the "new customer registration" to the default address. However, it looks like it is still doing the same thing as versions 1.x. It uses the message templates and uses message tokens yet again. Which I definitely don't mind but I still need help.

One thing I found was that in Customer.cs there already is an area to SetShippingAddress. What is this actually pulling from because in the admin, I see no fields for Shipping Address unless I were to add addresses in that separate tab. If that is the case, then how would I add fields to my registration form, while using what is already programmed?

Ultimately, I just need shipping address labels on the registration form and for it to save to a customer's profile should they be filled out. Has anyone already attempted this and possibly point me in the right direction? I would be most appreciative for a push in the right direction. Thank you.
12 năm cách đây
I jumped the gun on this one and found shipping addresses are allowed during checkout. Please close the topic admins. Thanks anyway.
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