Sales Pricing Dynamic Calculation nop Commerce

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12 năm cách đây
Dear Sirs,

I am developing my own e-shop for my company with nop Commerce, with the help of one Web Developer.

Me, being the Managing Director of the company wish to implement the following sales Price Calculation model / implementation:

Suppose the real-life following scenario:
We are purchasing computer equipment from more than one wholesales suppliers.

Suppose a single wholesale supplier.

That supplier sells us merchandise to my company equipment at some wholesales prices.

The wholesale sales prices of our supplier is our purchase prices.

These prices are excluded of VAT.

We want to enter these excluded of VAT purchase prices in our system initially and store them there.

Having creating different price lists - a price list for us means a list of:
either different profit percentages on categories products levels,
or profit margins in our currency [euros],
or customers' profiles discount levels - say proportional on their previous orders amounts [orders already made]
and similar marketing-based price lists

Then I want to dynamically - I mean via the nop Commerce system - based on the above defined customers listed - that  could be selected [one price-list at a time] at purely run-time or dynamically - their predefined values applied onto our company's purchase wholesale prices and thus - by this way - our own sales prices been calculated.

These derived dynamically calculated sales prices will then been published as sales prices on our e-shop.

Any detailed technical / support will be greatly appreciated - we are at a small "standstill".

P.S. Our company does not operate at present time any internal  computerized commercial or accounting system.

12 năm cách đây
Please stop duplicating topics. 6 (!!!) identical
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