Threadrock -- New T-Shirt Site (running version 2.6)

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11 năm cách đây
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, then feel free to post them here.

Thanks for taking the time to check out the page!

10 năm cách đây
I am very impressed with your website, especially how you implemented the product details page.  I love what you did by giving your users the ability to select what color they want, and have the product image update to that color.  How did you guys do that?  That is pretty awesome!

I also like how you can modify the Shirt Style on the product details page.  Did you have to customize the database at all for this or are you just using product variants?

I also like how you used the jquery UI buttonset to allow users to select a size.

I was looking to enhance my product details page and I really like what you did.  Any advice on how you accomplished this would be greatly appreciated.

10 năm cách đây
Cool! Is there someway that you can make a 3d preview of the shirt? Just to give the people a heads up on how it should fit them? Somewhat relevant to usual bespoke tailoring sites I saw, try checking on itailor.
10 năm cách đây
great work! the custom theme looks AMAZING! congrats :)
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