New Plugin

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11 năm cách đây
Hi All,

I'm working to create a new Plugin. However every time I click Configuration then Plugin in the admin area I get the debugger in visual studio pointing to EnsurePluginsAreLoaded(); method in PluginFinder.cs file. Also I do not see my plugin displayed in the admin area plugin list. Below is my code
Thanks for your help

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner
    public partial class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
                 new { controller = "WidgetsBanner", action = "Configure" },
                 new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner.Controllers" }

        public int Priority
                return 0;


namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner
    public class BannerPlugin:BasePlugin
        public override void Install()
        public override void Uninstall()


namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner.Models
    public class ConfigurationModel
         public ConfigurationModel()
        public string Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }


namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner.Controllers
    public class WidgetsBannerController : Controller
        public ActionResult Configure()
            var model = new ConfigurationModel();
            model.Id = "0";
            model.Name = "Test";
            return View("Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner.Views.Configure",model);

11 năm cách đây
The plugin loader needs to know what the configuration route is, so since its a widget
have your plugin implement IWidgetPlugin:

public class BannerPlugin:BasePlugin, IWidetPlugin
public IList<string> GetWidgetZones()
   return new List<string>() { "content_before", "header_menu_before" , "etc etc etc"  };

public void GetConfigurationRoute( out string actionName , out string controllerName , out RouteValueDictionary    routeValues )
   actionName = "Configure";
   controllerName = "BannerPlugin";
   routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary()
      { "Namespaces" , "Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Banner.Controllers" } ,
      { "area" , null }
11 năm cách đây

I completed that and still get the same issue.
11 năm cách đây
abidz005 wrote:

I completed that and still get the same issue.

Did you copy this plugin from a pre-existing project? It could be that you have not changed your output directory to a correct folder. :)
11 năm cách đây

Thanks for your response. No, I created this as new plugin.
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