dynamic text being prefixed!

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11 năm cách đây
I recently ugraded fron 1.5 all the way to 2.5 without any real problems but after going to 2.6 then 2.65 all of the dynamicaly place text on the site is prefixed i.e

Top menu has:

'account.register' instead of just register.

lots of other text is appearing similarly even on buttons

The breadcrumbs appear like this- categories.breadcrumb.top /

Even the administration area is the same.

Is it the database thats causing the problem?

Anyone know how to solve this or even seen this before?

thanks in advance

11 năm cách đây
This is a link to the store in development, notice the links at the top and the:

newsletter.title, products.recentlyviewedproducts, etc


Do you think I need to revert to the previous database version or is there a fix for this?

thanks in advance.
11 năm cách đây
sounds like your installed language pack does not have translations for those string resources or they are missing from the db.
11 năm cách đây
That sounds promising! can you suggest how I check?

11 năm cách đây
in Admin, on the "Configuration" menu, select "languages". For every installed language click "View string resource".
Here you can check (via filter) if a string resource exists and/or has a value
11 năm cách đây
Yes there is only one page of words, in my other shop there are many pages! So it seems that the langauage pack must be corrupt. if I add another language how do I then make it the default?
11 năm cách đây
Im going to try and import the localStringResource table from another DB, as thats where the problem is, most of this data has been lost during the upgrade somehow.

Thanks for your excellent pointers
11 năm cách đây
I imported the database tabel and it fixed the problem! - Thanks very much keesjan  for your help I was a bit stumped by that problem and there was nothing else about it anywhere on the forum. It must not be a common problem.

cheers again
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