EZ Question for the experts; Upgrading to 2.65 Test Site - How do I NOT use SSL?

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11 năm cách đây
I am in a test site right now. i.e. mytempweb.com for upgrading purposes.

I am trying to stop the site from using SSL.

I set the Web.config file to NOT use SSL, but upon login the site still redirects me to HTTPS (page not found) therefore I cant login.

    <add key="UseSSL" value="false" />
    <add key="SharedSSLUrl" value="" />
    <add key="NonSharedSSLUrl" value="" />

Question is: how do I stop that so I can test the site?

Next Question is: after the upgrade, the first thing I wanted to do was login and see what version I am using. Is there a way to tell that by looking at a file or something?
11 năm cách đây
I don't know about your SSL problem.  Every Admin page shows version in upper right corner
11 năm cách đây
New York wrote:
I don't know about your SSL problem.  Every Admin page shows version in upper right corner

I got error logging into admin. I could not see admin. The upgrade got errors, I am starting all over again. GGRRR!
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