[SOLVED] Misc Custom Plugin picking up wrong cshtml view

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11 năm cách đây
Hello everybody.

I have downloaded the source code for NopCommerce 2.65, loaded the solution into Visual Studio 2012 Express, followed the instructions of this page:


...and somehow ended up with a plugin stub whose solution and sources can be seen from the following Zip file:

[url= https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0xs2YFff_jOZHQ2THJHbTB1LWc/edit?usp=sharing]https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0xs2YFff_jOZHQ2THJHbTB1LWc/edit?usp=sharing[/url]

The plugin shows up correctly in the plugins list in the admin area, and from there I told nopCommerce to install it.

The issue is that when I click on the "Configure" link I get sent to this page:


...the HTML I see there does not come from the "Configure.cshtml" in my "Views" folder (which only holds a couple of HTML tags), instead, it appears to be coming from the MailChimp plugin's view.

Sure thing, I have copied some files and code from the MailChimp plugin and modified it to create the stub you can see in the above Zip file, only that as far as I can tell I haven't left any reference to the MailChimp plugin anywhere in my code.

Is it me missing some leftover or am I stomping on some cache / fallback issue, either in Visual Studio or in the nopCommerce system?

SOLVED thanks to keesjan and mb:

I had my GetConfigurationRoute in the main DataManager class not matching up with my DataManagerController.

Also, I had my DataManagerController and my SettingsModel classes missing the "public" access specifier.

Thanks a lot for the support, keep up the good work!

11 năm cách đây
you are missing a SettingsController with action Index as returned by GetConfigurationRoute in the DataManager class
11 năm cách đây
Hello keesjan, thanks for your reply.

I made the change you advised, actually I've also spent some time studying this tutorial in order to get more understanding of what I'm playing with:


Here is the current status of my custom plugin stub:


What happens now is that I get the same error lamented here:


I checked the version of my System.Web.Mvc reference, which I added browsing for this file in the source of nopCommerce 2.65:


The above reference reports "" as Version and "v4.0.30319" as Runtime Version, just like the same reference in the other plugins do, so I guess that's not the cause of my issue.

On the base of the comment there mentioning to browse to the view directly I added a RouteProvider.cs with this code:

using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Routes;

namespace Nop.Plugin.Misc.DataManager
    public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            routes.MapRoute("Plugin.Misc.DataManager.Settings", "Plugins/MiscDataManager/Settings",
                            new { controller = "MiscDataManager", action = "Index" },
                            new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.DataManager.Controllers" }

        public int Priority
            get { return 0; }


then tried navigating to...

(edited, I omitted the "Plugins" part in the first edit of this post)

...and hit a 404.

At this point, instead of asking what's wrong with my code, I wonder whether I should ask about which tutorials / documentation I should really pass through before ever thinking about creating a plugin for nopCommerce.

Thanks again for your attention,
11 năm cách đây
You need to set the access modifier for your controller and SettingsModel classes to public.

Edit file: Nop.Plugin.Misc.DataManager\Controllers\MiscDataManagerController.cs
change the following line:
class MiscDataManagerController : Controller

public class MiscDataManagerController : Controller

Edit file: Nop.Plugin.Misc.DataManager\Models\SettingsModel.cs
change the following line:
class SettingsModel : BaseNopModel
public class SettingsModel : BaseNopModel

Rebuild the project and click the 'Reload list of plugins' button on Admin > Configuration > Plugins and your plugin's Configure link should work.

11 năm cách đây
Hello mb, thanks for your reply, applying the changes you pointed out got me back on track.

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