New more user friendly product/variants logic. Let's discuss

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10 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:

2. "Bundle products". Forget about "Simple and grouped products" here. It's another feature. Bundle products in nopCommerce are implemented the same way as in magento (find a brief overview here and here). You can assign (associate) a product variant attribute value to any product. You cannot create a bundle without product attributes. You can manage it on a product variant attribute value details page (that's the only page where we manage bundles). When a customer make a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product. If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will be "out of stock".

Thanks Andrei. They was bundling was implemented seems to be extremly flexible. I have a question: Can an associated product (as a product variant attribute value) have itself its own pv attributes. Example: The bundle includes 1 of three types of shirts (shirt-1 or shirt-2 or shirt-3) and a pair of tennis shoes. Can shirt-1 have color and sizes, shirt-2 just sizes and shirt-3 just one model to select?
10 năm cách đây
eadameg wrote:
Thanks Andrei. They was bundling was implemented seems to be extremly flexible. I have a question: Can an associated product (as a product variant attribute value) have itself its own pv attributes. Example: The bundle includes 1 of three types of shirts (shirt-1 or shirt-2 or shirt-3) and a pair of tennis shoes. Can shirt-1 have color and sizes, shirt-2 just sizes and shirt-3 just one model to select?

No. It's not supported
10 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:

No. It's not supported

Ok. Thanks
Maybe something alike should be included in the roadmap.
10 năm cách đây
eadameg wrote:

2. "Bundle products". Forget about "Simple and grouped products" here. It's another feature. Bundle products in nopCommerce are implemented the same way as in magento (find a brief overview here and here). You can assign (associate) a product variant attribute value to any product. You cannot create a bundle without product attributes. You can manage it on a product variant attribute value details page (that's the only page where we manage bundles). When a customer make a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product. If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will be "out of stock".
Thanks Andrei. They was bundling was implemented seems to be extremly flexible. I have a question: Can an associated product (as a product variant attribute value) have itself its own pv attributes. Example: The bundle includes 1 of three types of shirts (shirt-1 or shirt-2 or shirt-3) and a pair of tennis shoes. Can shirt-1 have color and sizes, shirt-2 just sizes and shirt-3 just one model to select?

Ability for us to choose which attributes of a product we include in a bundle as well as bundle pricing is very important to how a bundle deal works, so I hope this is implemented soon as well. =)
10 năm cách đây
mattbrummett wrote:

2. "Bundle products". Forget about "Simple and grouped products" here. It's another feature. Bundle products in nopCommerce are implemented the same way as in magento (find a brief overview here and here). You can assign (associate) a product variant attribute value to any product. You cannot create a bundle without product attributes. You can manage it on a product variant attribute value details page (that's the only page where we manage bundles). When a customer make a purchase of a bundle product, stock will adjust for each product of this bundle product. If there is not stock of any simple-unique product that composes this bundle product, the bundle product will be "out of stock".
Thanks Andrei. They was bundling was implemented seems to be extremly flexible. I have a question: Can an associated product (as a product variant attribute value) have itself its own pv attributes. Example: The bundle includes 1 of three types of shirts (shirt-1 or shirt-2 or shirt-3) and a pair of tennis shoes. Can shirt-1 have color and sizes, shirt-2 just sizes and shirt-3 just one model to select?

Ability for us to choose which attributes of a product we include in a bundle as well as bundle pricing is very important to how a bundle deal works, so I hope this is implemented soon as well. =)

I think that a bundle product should be created as a new type of product and not as a product attribute. This way, you should be able to set price, discounts, product attributes, etc. as a normal product.

Maybe creating a new table that contains the bundle product id, products id that contains this bundle and the quantity of each product can be enought for a first approach of product bundling...
10 năm cách đây
To reaffirm what breakskater was saying, I feel I must contribute this exchange from my favourite nopCommercer:

"Is there a way to make some preset product attributes. For example some of my dresses are in colours from one colour chart of 50 choices and another has 20 choices and 1 dress has 110 choices.

Every dress I put on has to have the colour squares individually input.

Can I make an attribute for each colour chart and then in product variant attributes just select for example "colour chart g" and it will automatically give me those 50 colour squares.

There has to be an easier way to do this."

And my response was :

"There is a way to use the product with the colour choices already input, then  > copy product, this copies the attributes as well.

You do not have to individually input the colour selections for each product - you can start with the colour selection and input the individual product information for the new products with the existing colour selection.

All you have to do is copy the product that already has the colour choices, delete the information which you are going to change and use it as an template.

In admin area navigate to Catalog > Manage Products > 'Select product with colour choices already input;

and click Copy Product.

** Edit - I've taken the liberty of doing that for you - you will now find a product called 1 Product Template with the colour attributes already available'**

You should now 'copy product' this 1 Product Template to create the new products that require the colour selection."

Is it possible to include an attributes template as such?
10 năm cách đây
is anyone else getting these warnings when preparing the latest code 7/09 (e93042ca051c)?

2ca051c\src\build\nop.proj" (default target) (1) ->
2ca051c\src\NopCommerce.sln" (default target) (2) ->
2ca051c\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Nop.Services.csproj" (default target)
  (5) ->
(CoreCompile target) ->
   Catalog\PriceCalculationService.cs(518,21): warning CS0162: Unreachabl
e code detected [C:\a_NOP\BUILDS\nopcommerce-e93042ca051c\n

2ca051c\src\build\nop.proj" (default target) (1) ->
2ca051c\src\NopCommerce.sln" (default target) (2) ->
Auth.Facebook.csproj" (default target) (40) ->
(ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->
(1605,5): warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of
  the same dependent assembly. [C:\a_NOP\BUILDS\nopcommerce-e93042ca051c\nopcommerce_e93042ca051c\src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.ExternalAut

2ca051c\src\build\nop.proj" (default target) (1) ->
2ca051c\src\NopCommerce.sln" (default target) (2) ->
th.OpenId.csproj" (default target) (39) ->
(1605,5): warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of
  the same dependent assembly. [C:\a_NOP\BUILDS\nopcommerce-e93042ca051c\nopcommerce_e93042ca051c\src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.ExternalAut
10 năm cách đây
mattbrummett wrote:
is anyone else getting these warnings when preparing the latest code 7/09 (e93042ca051c)?

Thanks. Fixed the first warning. But still getting the two other ones. Don't know whether the issue is. Does anybody have any ideas?

P.S. I presume that it's somehow related to the new "Microsoft.Bcl" and "Microsoft.Bcl.Build" nuget packages which were referenced when updating third-party libraries (DotNetOpenAuth, etc) to the latest version
10 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:
is anyone else getting these warnings when preparing the latest code 7/09 (e93042ca051c)?
Thanks. Fixed the first warning. But still getting the two other ones. Don't know whether the issue is. Does anybody have any ideas?

P.S. I presume that it's somehow related to the new "Microsoft.Bcl" and "Microsoft.Bcl.Build" nuget packages which were referenced when updating third-party libraries (DotNetOpenAuth, etc) to the latest version

I believe you're right because those two warnings reference conflicting versions of the same assembly.
10 năm cách đây
mattbrummett wrote:
I believe you're right because those two warnings reference conflicting versions of the same assembly.

I cannot uninstall these "Microsoft.Bcl" and "Microsoft.Bcl.Build" packages from OpenId and Facebook plugins using NuGet manager because some other assemblies depend on them. But if I manually open /Plugins/Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Facebook/Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Facebook.csproj and /Plugins/Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId/Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId.csproj files (in notepad) and remove the following line of code, then all warnings disappear:
<Import Project="..\..\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7\tools\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets" />

But I'm absolutely not sure whether it's acceptable or could cause some issues.
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