mainly problem in nopcommerce for big store.

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10 năm cách đây
i setup new test site with the nop 3.10 version and i noticed something wrong , as i remember right nop code load the products mapped to categorys page by page , and count of products (products data row)  will not be problem for performance when we click to any category to load products.

my server is dedicated server with 4 x core +  32GB memory + mssql server 2008 R2 enterprise edition (not any memory or cpu limit) and only 1 domain work  so ;

1)  i have imported to nop database 2.400.000 products automaticly

2)  i have created 12 category

3)  i have mapped 200.000 product to each category

4) i have rebuild all indexes from mssql server after add new products and categorys.

when i enter to site domain  , first site load time take around 15second

and after if i click to any category to see products mapped to category  i wait between 20 and 30 second , loading time is always take between 20-30 second even second , third clicks also to same category .and when i want to see second page products also i need to wait 15 second.

and when i test my web site with 20 online users site give timeout error for the new users .and also online users too.

what can be wrong in nop mainly code blocks ?????? it is problem because of EF very slow ?? or problem because of mssql server SP ?
10 năm cách đây
Is it possible to share your database backup so I can test and debug it locally?
10 năm cách đây
yes i can share database ofcourse and you can check , database size is 9.5GB with 2.400.000 products and only 12 category
10 năm cách đây
today i check all database SP , and when i test SP manually in mssql server to load products from 1 category , SP answer me in 3 second and max time was 4 second to load products for 1 category manually in mssql server SP excute

but when i click to same category in online site  front end , web site load products time is between 20 and 30 second.

i understand that something wrong between web site code and SP but still cant find what is mainly isue, somebody used it befor e with the big database ?
10 năm cách đây
webxpro wrote:
but how i can share database ? where i can send it ???

database size is 9.5gb now with 2.400.000 products

Upload to some file sharing server such as
10 năm cách đây
i sent pm products import script and also product category map script , please check it , when i excute SP in mssql server , i get answer in 3-4 second from mssql server , i see 200.000 mapped products to any category but in the website i dont see it before 20 second and some time even 30 second ,  

when i map 10.000 products to category site work normal speed , but if it is 100.000 site very slow and wait ,  if category load page loads producst page by page , what make isue to load when products count much ?
10 năm cách đây

Perhaps, if you like.. we can help you!

We have recently tested with 2 million products and currently working on another site with even larger catalog on nopCommerce with the help of our Solr integration plugin - nopAccelerate. And results are very promising. If possible, you can share more details on how to co-operate to see how we can help you!

You can contact us at

10 năm cách đây
webxpro wrote:
i sent pm products import script and also product category map script , please check it

Thanks. BTW, you could post it here. I read all forum topics.

So I tested it with about 1M products. It works fine for such number of products (1-2 seconds). Maybe, you have some other settings in the database which cause performance issues. If you find a way to share your database, then please share URL to download it here
10 năm cách đây
you made test from mssql server side ?   or you make test  with reat site ?

my mssql server also load products in 3 second  i dont have problem in mssql server settings , when i excute sql query in mssql i get result already in 3 second in 2.5 million products in nop database.

mainly problem is when i use online web site , same query alerady working to load products mapped to category take around 30 second to load .
10 năm cách đây
Tested it in a browser
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