email tokens not working

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14 năm cách đây
In my OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification template I can not get the the added tokens to work..
<p><a href="%Store.URL%">%Store.Name%</a> <br />
<br />
%Order.CustomerFullName% (%Order.CustomerEmail%) has just placed an order from your store. Below is the summary of the order. <br />
<br />
Order Number: %Order.OrderNumber%<br />
Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%<br />
<br />
<br />
Shipping Address<br />
%Order.ShippingFirstName% %Order.ShippingLastName%<br />
%Order.ShippingAddress1%<br />
%Order.ShippingCity% %Order.ShippingZipPostalCode%<br />
%Order.ShippingStateProvince% %Order.ShippingCountry%<br />
<br />
Shipping Method: %Order.ShippingMethod%</p>
<p>ORDER&nbsp;FROM&nbsp;<span id="ctl00_cph1_ctrlMessageTemplateDetails_lblAllowedTokens">%Order.CreatedOn%</span></p>
<p>Product Name,</p>
<p>%Product.ShortDescription% %Product.ProductURLForCustomer% %ProductVariant.FullProductName%</p>

Then comes across looking like this.

John Smith ([email protected]) has just placed an order from your store. Below is the summary of the order.

Order Number: 5021
Date Ordered: Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Shipping Address
John Smith
21 West 52nd Street
New York 10021
New York United States

Shipping Method: By Ground
ORDER FROM Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Product Name,
%Product.ShortDescription% %Product.ProductURLForCustomer% %ProductVariant.FullProductName%
14 năm cách đây
try using %Order.Product(s)%
14 năm cách đây
Still not working
14 năm cách đây
I imagine it's not as easy as just having one variable in your mail - the reason being that you have an unknown number of product variants in your order, which you would probably insert one by one into the mail programatically in the code behind at the time the mail is created
14 năm cách đây
I added a new message for another lanague but OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification  always takes English one.

do you have any idea?
7 năm cách đây
I've got the same error in my nop 3.8 version
When I try to display on OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification the follow tokens:

%Product.ProductURLForCustomer%    %ProductReview.ProductName%

I can see the follow:

[email protected]     WORKING
lorenzo xxxx      WORKING
9102              WORKING
[email protected]   WORKING     WORKING
[email protected]  WORKING
%Product.ProductURLForCustomer%    %ProductReview.ProductName%  DOESN'T WORK
%Product.Name%                                                  DOESN'T WORK
%Product.SKU%                                                   DOESN'T WORK

Anyone knows how to fix it??
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