NopRoot Bootstrap theme (Free)

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9 năm cách đây
SilhouetteBS wrote:
I added a customer attribute with control type set to checkboxes and on the Register page it does not display correctly. Please fix!

Hi, Thanks a lot for your feedback. This issue is solved. Get update from here -
9 năm cách đây
Product specifications do not display properly in the Specification tab on the Product Details page. It looks like this: ColorYellow. It should be Color: Yellow
9 năm cách đây
SilhouetteBS wrote:
Product specifications do not display properly in the Specification tab on the Product Details page. It looks like this: ColorYellow. It should be Color: Yellow

Thanks for your feedback. This issue is solved. Get latest update from here -
9 năm cách đây
Hi, awesome theme!
However, I found one bug. Rich Snippets (Structured Data) requires a product name, which is missing from at least "ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml".
I've changed
<h3 itemprop="name">@Model.Name</h3>

and moved

itemscope itemtype="" data-productid="@Model.Id"


the most outer div with class "page product-details-page panel panel-default form-panel"

Verified with Google Structured Data testing tool that it's working.
9 năm cách đây
Was trying to see if this issue was mentioned, but with nopRoot enabled, when I pick a Country on the shopping cart, the States dropdown does not get populated and I get the following error in the system Log:

The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'addSelectStateItem' of non-nullable type 'System.Boolean' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult GetStatesByCountryId(System.String, Boolean)' in 'Nop.Web.Controllers.CountryController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter. Parameter name: parameters
9 năm cách đây
Nobody?  Am I the only one having an error with the State dropdown not populating ONLY when using nopRoot?

Need help please...
9 năm cách đây
mbiefeni wrote:
Nobody?  Am I the only one having an error with the State dropdown not populating ONLY when using nopRoot?

Need help please...

Hi, Sorry for the late reply. We will check this issue today.
9 năm cách đây
mbiefeni wrote:
Nobody?  Am I the only one having an error with the State dropdown not populating ONLY when using nopRoot?

Need help please...

Hi, Which version of nopcommerce are you using. We have just checked the version for 3.5 and it is working fine. You can download the latest version from this link ==>>
9 năm cách đây
Thanks for the reply...

I am using the latest nopCommerce 3.5.  

When I set to use the default template, no issues, but as soon as I set to nopRoot it seems to cause this issue.

You can check it out at  Add something to cart and check it out.  If you Inspect using Chrome you can also see that some java seems to have issues, perhaps there is a conflict with some module?  Not sure...
9 năm cách đây
mbiefeni wrote:
Thanks for the reply...

I am using the latest nopCommerce 3.5.  

When I set to use the default template, no issues, but as soon as I set to nopRoot it seems to cause this issue.

You can check it out at  Add something to cart and check it out.  If you Inspect using Chrome you can also see that some java seems to have issues, perhaps there is a conflict with some module?  Not sure...

The estimate shipping view has an incorrect parameter (addEmptyStateIfRequired)


-                 data: { "countryId": selectedItem, "addEmptyStateIfRequired": "true" },
+                 data: { "countryId": selectedItem, "addSelectStateItem": "false" },

This change was made in, so other views may also need to be changed.


You can run the following in the Firebug console on the /cart page to temporarily (change doesn't persist on page reload) see the change work:

$("#CountryId").change(function () {
              var selectedItem = $(this).val();
              var ddlStates = $("#StateProvinceId");
              var estimateProgress = $("#estimate-shipping-loading-progress");
                    cache: false,
                    type: "GET",
                    url: "/country/getstatesbycountryid",
                    data: { "countryId": selectedItem, "addSelectStateItem": "false" },
                    success: function (data) {
                       $.each(data, function (id, option) {
                    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                       alert('Failed to retrieve states.');
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