Firefox runs slow (sometimes can't access admin) but I.E. Works fine

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14 năm cách đây
For some reason Firefox runs extremely slow when loading my website it works fine on my other two sites and and Its next to impossible to get into admin control (sometimes has to load for 15 minutes to get in)

However in Internet explorer it will load the site just fine 99% of the time and get into admin controls just fine.

I have no Idea were to start, please help?
14 năm cách đây
On occassion probably 9 out of 10 tries I.E. acts the same way.
14 năm cách đây
I have exactly the same problem in IE8 and FireFox 3.6. No idea what causes it, but sometimes it lasts for a few days. Chrome is the only browser I've found so far that never seems to have this problem.  Cleaning the cache works, but not every time.
14 năm cách đây
I tried to go to your sites, it works fine with IE8 and FF3.6.2
Perhaps you are behind a proxy. Firefox sometimes has issues with proxy under windows server domain.
14 năm cách đây
Well the wierd thing is it happens just on my pc, if I access the site from any of the other computers at home it works fine no issues, same browsers.

But I have even done a full reformat on the pc and it still has the issue, so wierd....
14 năm cách đây
i have the same issue with firefox when i run it from VS or VWD

i think its just a problem with the way it connects to         localhost
14 năm cách đây
1) Type about:config  in to FF bar
2) Search network.dns.disableIPv6
3) Set above to true
14 năm cách đây
Well doing that seems to make sure the page loads, but not only does it still go slow (although no longer in minutes) with it set to true but it makes nearly all other websites go slow as well.
14 năm cách đây
EDIT: just reread your issue.

Are you talking about websites which are published to a web server?
14 năm cách đây
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