SEO home page

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9 năm cách đây
Hi all,
I'm working on a webshop already set. Let's say it's a clothing store.

SEO home page title is defined in Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon :

Look like this :, all seasons coats and jackets

All pages have their SEO meta title filled.

So, title of the winter page look like this :

Winter leather coats brown -, all seasons coats and jackets

My question is : how is it possible to have a single title for home only, which is not applied to every other page title ?

What I want is :

Home page title :, all seasons coats and jackets

Winter page title : Winter leather coats brown -

Thanks by advance !
9 năm cách đây
GregdeBoer wrote:
Hi all,
I'm working on a webshop already set. Let's say it's a clothing store.

SEO home page title is defined in Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon :

Look like this :, all seasons coats and jackets

All pages have their SEO meta title filled.

So, title of the winter page look like this :

Winter leather coats brown -, all seasons coats and jackets

My question is : how is it possible to have a single title for home only, which is not applied to every other page title ?

What I want is :

Home page title :, all seasons coats and jackets

Winter page title : Winter leather coats brown -

Thanks by advance !

Hi GregdeBoer,

Unfortunately this is not possible out of the box in nopCommerce.
The default store title is shown on every page and you can only chose where to place it - Page Name After/Before Store Name.
This is not good for SEO as the title is repeated on every page.
But you can use our Smart SEO plugin that allows you to remove the Default Title from every page and to leave it only on the Home page.
Here is a link to the Smart SEO settings administration and this is the setting you need - Remove Default Title.  

Hope this helps!
9 năm cách đây
Yeah you really need a plugin to get more control over SEO factors. I've used the Smart SEO plugin and I can vouch for it. Simple and effective.
9 năm cách đây
glennwills wrote:
Yeah you really need a plugin to get more control over SEO factors. I've used the Smart SEO plugin and I can vouch for it. Simple and effective.

Cool.. have you tried othe seo plugins, and can you tell more about them?
9 năm cách đây
what about this

Html.AddTitleParts(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MetaTitle) ? Model.MetaTitle : Model.Title);  >> does it help to replace the default title.
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