nopCommerce 3.60 released

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8 năm cách đây
IMPORTANT: Several days ago we released nopCommerce 3.6. It has an issue when pictures are stored on the file system (find more info here). That's why today we released a new version with the fix. So if you downloaded nopCommerce 3.60 before July 19th, then download the latest version again (its version is still 3.60).

Or you can manually apply the fix. Please see changeset 0300fd922e5b

Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause
8 năm cách đây
Thanks Andrei for adding the fix to the official release.
8 năm cách đây
I'm upgrading my site from 3.4 to 3.6 ... This new version is FAST!  Great job!!
8 năm cách đây
Hi Guys,

We would like to share with you our usual digest of the new and worthy features in the latest nopCommerce 3.6.
We hope you will find it useful. Team
8 năm cách đây
Great document! Thanks for this contribution and also for the new theme.
8 năm cách đây
In the back end demo there is no template for the Order Refunded message
8 năm cách đây
Tecnofin wrote:
In the back end demo there is no template for the Order Refunded message

Hi Eduardo,

Thanks a lot for reporting. It was accidently removed in changeset e4d56f21671d for clean installation. Although it exists for store owners who upgraded from a previous version. Fixed.

Please execute the following SQl command over your database in order to add it:
    SELECT 1
    FROM [MessageTemplate]
    WHERE [Name] = N'OrderRefunded.CustomerNotification')
  INSERT [MessageTemplate] ([Name], [BccEmailAddresses], [Subject], [Body], [IsActive], [EmailAccountId], [LimitedToStores], [AttachedDownloadId])
  VALUES (N'OrderRefunded.CustomerNotification', null, N'%Store.Name%. Order #%Order.OrderNumber% refunded', N'<p><a href="%Store.URL%">%Store.Name%</a> <br /><br />Hello %Order.CustomerFullName%, <br />Thanks for buying from <a href="%Store.URL%">%Store.Name%</a>. Order #%Order.OrderNumber% has been has been refunded. Please allow 7-14 days for the refund to be reflected in your account.<br /><br />Amount refunded: %Order.AmountRefunded%<br /><br />Below is the summary of the order. <br /><br />Order Number: %Order.OrderNumber%<br />Order Details: <a href="%Order.OrderURLForCustomer%" target="_blank">%Order.OrderURLForCustomer%</a><br />Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%<br /><br /><br /><br />Billing Address<br />%Order.BillingFirstName% %Order.BillingLastName%<br />%Order.BillingAddress1%<br />%Order.BillingCity% %Order.BillingZipPostalCode%<br />%Order.BillingStateProvince% %Order.BillingCountry%<br /><br /><br /><br />Shipping Address<br />%Order.ShippingFirstName% %Order.ShippingLastName%<br />%Order.ShippingAddress1%<br />%Order.ShippingCity% %Order.ShippingZipPostalCode%<br />%Order.ShippingStateProvince% %Order.ShippingCountry%<br /><br />Shipping Method: %Order.ShippingMethod%<br /><br />%Order.Product(s)%</p>', 0, 0, 0, 0)
8 năm cách đây
Hi Andrei:
The Order Refunded message template is stillo missing  in the back end demo
8 năm cách đây
Tecnofin wrote:
Hi Andrei:
The Order Refunded message template is stillo missing  in the back end demo

Hi Eduardo,

That's right. This is the issue of all new installations of version 3.60. It's fixed in the next version 3.70.
8 năm cách đây
Great job on the 3.60 release! And, thanks a lot for this feature!:

Predefined (default) product attribute values. They are helpful for a store owner when creating new products. So when you add the attribute to a product, you don't have to create the same values again.

It will save a ton of time for the catalog managers.
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