Microdata for Price

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7 năm cách đây
If price has another format from the USA (ex. for the USA $1234.99) the store's owner will have problem (warning in Google console).

Price for Russian, France has the next format (with dot and comma)


You should use contenttag.
Change _ProductPrice.cshtml in two place.

old line 46
            <span @if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.PriceWithDiscount)) { <text> itemprop="price" class="price-value-@(Model.ProductId)" </text>  }>

new line 46

            <span @if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.PriceWithDiscount)) { <text> itemprop="price" content="@Model.PriceValue.ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)" class="price-value-@(Model.ProductId)" </text>  }>

old line 55
                <span itemprop="price" class="price-value-@(Model.ProductId)">

new line 55

                <span itemprop="price" content="@Model.PriceValue.ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)" class="price-value-@(Model.ProductId)">
7 năm cách đây

Thanks a lot for reporting. Fixed
7 năm cách đây
According to google spec for microdata, the price should be separated out from the currency symbol,


<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP" />£
      <span itemprop="price">229.95</span>

This will require an update to the model and controller as the currency symbol doesn't seem to be there as a separate property.
7 năm cách đây
NopCommerce uses tag content. And Google reads information from this tag.
7 năm cách đây
Fair point, thanks. Our site theme must be out of date
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