nopCommerce 3.80 BETA released. Please share your impressions

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7 năm cách đây
XtremeCommerce wrote:
public void ManageSiteMap(SiteMapNode rootNode)
            var pluginNode = rootNode.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemName == "Third party plugins");
            if (pluginNode != null)
                var newNode = new SiteMapNode()
                    Title = string.Format("XtremeCommerce {0}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Widgets.XtremeCommerce.Sliders")),
                    // Title for your Custom Menu Item
                    ControllerName = "Widget", // Your controller Name
                    ActionName = "ConfigureWidget", // Action Name
                    Visible = true,
                    RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "area", "admin" } }

                newNode.ChildNodes.Add(new SiteMapNode()
                    Title = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Configuration.Settings"),
                    //   Title for your Sub Menu item
                    ControllerName = "Widget", // Your controller Name
                    ActionName = "ConfigureWidget", // Action Name
                    Visible = true,
                    RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "systemName", this.PluginDescriptor.SystemName } },

Hi Ron,

But why do you have RouteValues specified as "new RouteValueDictionary() { { "area", "admin" } }"? Shouldn't it be "new RouteValueDictionary() { { "systemName", this.PluginDescriptor.SystemName } }," as in the second menu item? It'll work fine if you replace it. That's about the first menu item

But I don't understand why your second child item (nested one) is not rendered. I've created a separate work item
7 năm cách đây
An excellent job, congratulations Andrei!

I mention the following improvements that have occurred to me over recent months, in case they could be useful:

- Sending some email templates depending on the payment method. For example, if the payment method is PayPal, not send the template "OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification", send only "OrderPaid.CustomerNotification".
- In "Sales > Orders", to search by customer name too (currently by last name).
- In "Sales > Shipments", to search by order ID.
- Don't discount the stock of orders with failed payment.
- It doesn't work sort by price on grouped products (I know it's for performance issues, but customers often ask for this).
- Having a global search engine inside de administration to search for products, orders, customers, etc ... This feature is on Magento administration, for example.

7 năm cách đây
Design very nice in admin section. One small suggestion from my side set the all quantity and price fields default 1 or 0 value because it taken negative values also, may be it effect store or create some problem.
7 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:
I noticed the the %Order.Product(s)% token in email messages does not show the ordered products.
Only the header of the table and the total amount of the order is shown. The ordered products are missing.
I've just tested it. I cannot reproduce it. Everything works fine. Products are visible.
I have the same issue...
Thanks a lot! It really didn't work when placing an order. But it workedfine for already placed orders (e.g. when shipping, etc). Fixed

I downloaded and installed the latest 3.8 source code.
The problem of the missing products in the %order.product(s)% token is gone.

But I noticed after placing a new order I get the following error when printing a pdf packaging slip:
Cannot load language. ID=0
Line 982:            var lang = _languageService.GetLanguageById(languageId);
Line 983:            if (lang == null)
Line 984:            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot load language. ID={0}", languageId));
Line 985:
Line 986:            var pageSize = PageSize.A4;

from nopCommerce-develop\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Common\PdfService.cs    Line: 984

When commenting out line 983 and 984 and rebuild the solution the error is gone.
But the order.Id of line 1026 of PdfService.cs do not show up in the pdf packaging slip.
Line 1026 is: addressTable.AddCell(new Paragraph(String.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("PDFPackagingSlip.Order", lang.Id), order.Id), titleFont));

(BTW the error: languageID=0 does not appear in 3.7 but the order.Id does also not show up in the pdf packinging slip in 3.7)
FYI: we use two languages.

with regards
Nico De Bruin
7 năm cách đây
Design Bug - 3.80 (beta)

Browser: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 13.10586

Operating System: Windows 10

Description: The text in the admin side menu is not wrapping properly in MS Edge (same issue in collapsed menu bar)


7 năm cách đây
Search Issue - 3.80 (beta)

Browser: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 13.10586

Operating System: Windows 10

Description: Dashboard search is not working at all in MS Edge browser (autocomplete search is not working / even tried pressing enter key after typing the search term, still not working)


7 năm cách đây
Tooltip in browsers - 3.80 (beta)

Browser: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 13.10586

Operating System: Windows 10

Description: Tooltip not showing properly in MS Edge browser (even the text and alignment is different in MS Edge as compared to other browsers)


7 năm cách đây
Export buttons issue - 3.80 (beta)

Browser: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 13.10586

Operating System: Windows 10

Description: Export buttons are not being displayed correctly in MS Edge browser


7 năm cách đây
Admin name position - 3.80 (beta)

Browser: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 13.10586

Operating System: Windows 10

Description: The position and color of admin name is different in MS Edge browser as compared to other browsers/


7 năm cách đây
L.K wrote:

Looks like you have old CSS styles cached. Reset your browser cache
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