nopCommerce 3.80 BETA released. Please share your impressions

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7 năm cách đây
I think I like the new Admin GUI, but still getting used to it ;)
A few comments:

1) My main monitor is Portrait.  The Hints don't appear when the width of page is narrow.  (And the text wraps, but I guess that's to be expected)

2) It would be nice if the "Search" (for admin menu items) was in the main header, so that if the menu is collapsed, it would save a click.  Or, Focus the search box when the hamburger is clicked, so I can just start typing.

3) Some items did not come up in the Search - e.g. Search for "Product" does not show "Catalog > Products"

4) Consider showing "frequently used" menu items in main header
7 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:

Tested again and ManageInventoryMethodId is still missing.

Here is the list of columns that is esported under Basic mode when no options are set :
Name  ShortDescription  FullDescription  SKU  IsShipEnabled  IsTaxExempt  TaxCategoryId  ManageInventoryMethodId  StockQuantity...
But here it is in your list. I've bolded it

Sorry, my bad. It was too late at night with some beer on me :))
7 năm cách đây
The "Apply for vendor account" is nice feature.  It would be nice that when the store owner / admin puts the customer into the Vendor role (i.e. "approves the vendor application"), that an email would be sent to customer/vendor.  (Requires a new message template).

Also, consider option in Vendor Settings:  "Add customer to vendor role when vendor is made Active".
7 năm cách đây
Also, it's been mentioned before, but especially useful with new Vendor features...

Custom customer attributes should have an option to "Only show in admin"
7 năm cách đây
Bug? If a Vendor uses the Settings on the admin Product Edit page to 'Check fields you want to see on the product details page in the "basic" mode.', it affects all administrators.
7 năm cách đây
New York wrote:
Bug? If a Vendor uses the Settings on the admin Product Edit page to 'Check fields you want to see on the product details page in the "basic" mode.', it affects all administrators.

Also, the "Advanced Settings" on product page should be an option in Vendor Settings as to whether it should be available for Vendors.
7 năm cách đây
Tecnofin wrote:
In Admin>catalog>products>add/edit product>Edit product details>Configuration option at the bottom of left column you have the section:

Advanced product types
One column product page

I guess the title should be Product settings display options and it should be at the bottom of 3rd column, because it does not have anything to do with product options. Maybe it can also include the Tab options like:
  SEO Tab
  Purchased with orders Tab
  One column product page
For the same reason, maybe this sections should have another color or style

7 năm cách đây
New York wrote:
1) My main monitor is Portrait.  The Hints don't appear when the width of page is narrow.  (And the text wraps, but I guess that's to be expected)

The above happens in Chrome.  In IE, it's OK unless I make the width even smaller.
7 năm cách đây
Suggestion: In Product Edit page, Manufacturers should be a selectable "Mapping" for Basic Settings, because many stores don't use it.
7 năm cách đây
The Basic/Advance toggle and the Configuration should also be in the Product list (Admin>catalog>products>) since they affect Exports
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