We're sorry, an internal error occurred

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13 năm cách đây
In my testing I setup my database at SoftSys. When I test the store locally on my PC with VS2008 it works fine - even with the database remote at SoftSys.

When I upload the whole nopCommerce to Softsys it works fine - with one exception:
If I try to go to Configuration/Shipping/ShippingMethods in the admin area I get:

We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time.

Every other tab section of the admin area is fine. If I stop the online access of the store and go back and run the local copy using VS2008 again it works fine.
I have tried replacing the database and re-uploading the files multiple times to no avail. It always barfs on ShippingMethods.

The LOG error is:

Log type:      Unknown
Severity:   11
Message:   Property accessor 'CountryName' on object 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.ShippingMethodsFilterControl+ShippingMethodCountryMappingHelperClass' threw the following exception:'ShippingMethodCountryMappingHelperClass.get_CountryName()'
t Exception:   System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Property accessor 'CountryName' on object 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.ShippingMethodsFilterControl+ShippingMethodCountryMappingHelperClass' threw the following exception:'ShippingMethodCountryMappingHelperClass.get_CountryName()' ---> System.MethodAccessException: ShippingMethodCountryMappingHelperClass.get_CountryName() ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed) at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Object assemblyOrString, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed) at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.CheckSetHelper(PermissionSet grants, PermissionSet refused, PermissionSet demands, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, Object assemblyOrString, SecurityAction action, Boolean throwException) at System.Security.PermissionSetTriple.CheckSetDemand(PermissionSet demandSet, PermissionSet& alteredDemandset, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh) at System.Security.PermissionListSet.CheckSetDemand(PermissionSet pset, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh) at System.Security.PermissionListSet.DemandFlagsOrGrantSet(Int32 flags, PermissionSet grantSet) at System.Threading.CompressedStack.DemandFlagsOrGrantSet(Int32 flags, PermissionSet grantSet) at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(Int32 permission, PermissionSet targetGrant, CompressedStack securityContext) at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(Int32 permission, PermissionSet targetGrant) The action that failed was: Demand The type of the first permission that failed was: System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission The first permission that failed was: <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="RestrictedMemberAccess"/> The demand was for: <PermissionSet class="System.Security.PermissionSet" version="1"> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Read="TEMP;TMP;USERNAME;OS;COMPUTERNAME"/> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Read="C:\HostingSpaces\pcwatchd\pcwatchdog.us\;C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727" Write="C:\HostingSpaces\pcwatchd\pcwatchdog.us\" Append="C:\HostingSpaces\pcwatchd\pcwatchdog.us\" PathDiscovery="C:\HostingSpaces\pcwatchd\pcwatchdog.us\;C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727"/> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Allowed="AssemblyIsolationByUser" UserQuota="9223372036854775807"/> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="RestrictedMemberAccess"/> <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="Assertion, Execution, ControlThread, ControlEvidence, ControlPolicy, ControlPrincipal, ControlAppDomain, RemotingConfiguration"/> <IPermission class="System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" ve

IP address:   xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Customer:   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Page URL:   http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/Administration/ShippingMethods.aspx
Referrer:   http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/Administration/ShippingSettingsHome.aspx
Created on:   5/20/2010 1:57:01 PM
13 năm cách đây
If you have not already done so, log a support ticket with SoftSys. Tell them you are using NopCommerce and need “full trust.” Once I did that most of my seemingly random errors stopped happening. My 2 cents.

Robert Burton
13 năm cách đây
Thanks Robert - that fixed it.

BTW - the folks at SoftSys are awesome. They made the change in less than 10 minutes after I submitted the support request!
13 năm cách đây
Your welcome. Glad to help.
13 năm cách đây
wow nice story. i hope my hosting will help too.

i have this error when i use canada post ship method

Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

and i registred with canada post as a business for shipping.
will i need full trust too for my shiping section tow ork?
13 năm cách đây
hi dessau77,

I would ask for full trust as a mater of protocol. NopC works best in full trust and it shouldn't cost you any extra.

Even if that doesn't fix your immediate problem it will help prevent future problems and doesn't have any downside that I know of.

13 năm cách đây
burtonrobert1 wrote:
hi dessau77,

I would ask for full trust as a mater of protocol. NopC works best in full trust and it shouldn't cost you any extra.

Even if that doesn't fix your immediate problem it will help prevent future problems and doesn't have any downside that I know of.


thank man, ill ask this today
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