Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'

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7 năm cách đây

I'm trying to write a plugin. I started by testing whether I could display something on the Index page. Here's my code:

        //My main plugin class
        public IList<string> GetWidgetZones()
            return new List<string>{ "home_page_before_news" };

        //My action
        public ActionResult DisplayLink(string widgetZone, object additionalData = null)
            return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PartnershipManager/Views/DisplayLink.cshtml");

     //My view
        Layout = "";
      <a href="#">My first link</a>

I'm getting the following error: Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'.

With no further information. Yet, I tried to match the code for NivoSlider as much as I can. Am I missing something?

Thanks for helping
7 năm cách đây

where are you getting this error: when you are browsing public site or when you are trying to configure your plugin?
what about the GetDisplayWidgetRoute, GetConfigurationRoute methods in your plugin class?
7 năm cách đây
This is where the exception is being thrwon

public static MvcHtmlString Widget(this HtmlHelper helper, string widgetZone, object additionalData = null, string area = null)
            return helper.Action("WidgetsByZone", "Widget", new { widgetZone = widgetZone, additionalData = additionalData, area = area });

And this is the my GetDisplayWidgetRoute method

    public void GetDisplayWidgetRoute(string widgetZone, out string actionName, out string controllerName, out RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            actionName = "DisplayLink";
            controllerName = "PartnershipManager";
            routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary()
                { "Namespaces", "Nop.Plugin.Widget.PartnershipManager.Controllers" },
                { "area", null },
                { "widgetZone", widgetZone}
7 năm cách đây
Here are both methods

public void GetConfigurationRoute(out string actionName, out string controllerName, out RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            actionName = "Configure";
            controllerName = "PartnershipManager";
            routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary()
                { "Namespaces", "Nop.Plugin.Widget.PartnershipManager.Controllers" },
                { "area", null }

        public void GetDisplayWidgetRoute(string widgetZone, out string actionName, out string controllerName, out RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            actionName = "DisplayLink";
            controllerName = "PartnershipManager";
            routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary()
                { "Namespaces", "Nop.Plugin.Widget.PartnershipManager.Controllers" },
                { "area", null },
                { "widgetZone", widgetZone}
2 năm cách đây
hello please help!
i have same problem!
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