shipping director unable to detect multiple vendors

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7 năm cách đây
Hi there,

I recently downloaded the trial version of NopTools Shipping Director and configured it to work for the following scenarios with multi vendors:

1> If a customer places an order consisting of products from more than 1 vendor, then Shipping.ByTotal would be called

2> If a customer places an order consisting of products from only 1 vendor, then a flat rate for that vendor would be applied.

Here are the rules I've set - out of the 3 rules the last 2 work but not the first. The expression Items.Select(Product.VendorId).Distinct().Count() > 1 does not return true even if products from 2, 3 vendors are placed in the cart, however  if I change the expression to Items.Select(Product.VendorId).Distinct().Count() > 0, it will return true (I can confirm I have added products from multiple vendors to the cart - tried multiple times)

Order  Active  Type  Name  Expression  RateExpression  SurchargeExpression  NameExpression  DescriptionExpression
1  True  OptionExit  Shipping for Multiple Vendors  Items.Select(Product.VendorId).Distinct().Count()>1  Shipping.ByTotal      "Delivery for all vendors would be before 24 hrs, Delivery for grocery would be before 72 hours"
3  True  OptionExit  Spell Foods Shipping  Items.Any(Product.VendorId = 14)  [$SubTotalWithoutDiscounts]<2000 ? 150 : 0      "Spell foods will deliver your order before 24 hours"
4  True  OptionExit  Daanish Shipping  Items.Any(Product.VendorId = 4)  [$SubTotalWithoutDiscounts]<2000 ? 100 : 0      "Daanish will deliver your order before 24 hours"

7 năm cách đây
just fyi for community ...
Sagar used Shipping Director's $Debug output and resolved the issue:

... the field "Use Warehouse Location" in configuration --> settings --> shipping settings. This was causing the problem.

- So, the solution is, when we install Shipping Director - we need to uncheck "Use Warehouse Location" in configuration --> settings --> shipping settings and instead check "Use warehouse location" in the shipping director configuration settings.
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