How to customize "403 - Forbidden" page?

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7 năm cách đây

We are using nopCommerce 3.50 with DefaultClean theme.

There are some bad people who always send negative texts to us through our website. Also, there are a lot of fake registrations from the same IP addresses.

So, I decided to block those IP addresses from the server. And yes, it helps! Now, there are no fake registrations. We immediatly block the IP address which sends fake registrations...

One day a "man" called us by phone and asked why he could not access our website. We asked him to tell us his IP address. He did so. Then we checked the IP address in the block list, found it, then we looked to our chats and found that IP address in there. That "man" was sending very bad things to us, sending bad and durty words, placing strange orders. He is probably one of the competitors... So, that is why we wanted to block him.

Then we recalled him and informed that we do not want to see him at our website, that he is not welcome :)

So, now, when we deny access for the exact IP address, that IP address would see this...:

So, how can I cusomize this page?

I would like to add our logo there and such text "Access for you is denied, please call or email us."

Thanks for your help in advance.
7 năm cách đây
It depends on your host. If it is a shared hosting environment that uses Plesk or other control panel, you might be able to edit your "Custom Error Pages." Maybe you have access to IIS via Remote Desktop? If so, you can create any HTML file and change the settings in IIS to display your custom error page whenever a 403 is issued.

Or you can use a 3rd party plugin to block the IP addresses...this plugin allows for custom text message to appear if their IP is in the ban list.
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