Display SKU alongside Product name in lists.

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7 năm cách đây
Whereever there is a list of Products, such as Products in a category or attributes used by Products list the SKU alongside the Product name.

I've added hundreds of Products that each have their own color and size combinations so I create a color attribute for each Product naming them '<SKU> color' and keeping a one-to-one relation between Products and attributes. There are a few cases where a small Group of Products share size and color attributes but I try not to reuse attributes on several Products.

The Product name may not be unique and may differ between languages but the SKU doesn't.

The attribute A101 Color is only used by the Product with SKU A101 and so on.

A workaround would be to include the SKU in the Product name but I prefer not to.
7 năm cách đây
It's already done for the next version. See this commit  
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