I guess the routes topic had been raised many times. However I haven't found my case.
So, I have a plugin with admin side functionality. I have registered admin side controller actions this way:

            var route = routes.MapRoute("Plugin.Payments.Deposit.Admin.List",
                new {controller = "AdminDeposit", action = "List", area = "Admin"},
                new[] {"Nop.Plugin.Payments.Deposit.Controllers"}
            route.DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");
            routes.Insert(0, route);

When I access this action with URL http://host/admin/deposit it works fine. But the view has Kendo Grid, which calls another action:
@Html.Raw(Url.Action("DepositList", "AdminDeposit"))

This generates following URL:
and requesting this URL results HTTP 404.

But when I type such URL for primary action:
, another URL for Kendo Grid is generated:
and requesting this URL returns proper data.

I don't understand why in first case
is generated. I have no route mapping for action DepositList.