what to do for adding menu for my plugin?

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7 năm cách đây
i have created plugins and want to add a menu in admin for all of my plugins.

i want menu and then sub menu for plugins list.

acc. to this doc, everything goes in plugin menu only. http://docs.nopcommerce.com/display/en/How+to+add+a+menu+item+into+the+administration+area+from+a+plugin

how can i add my custom menu?

can i bypass "Third party plugins"); and add menu menu with icons and all?
7 năm cách đây
7 năm cách đây
pepper wrote:

Just create your parent SiteMapNode and add child node into it, then use rootNode.ChildNodes.Add(menuItem);, It will appear as menu and submenu at admin side.

See this answer and comment out following line in this way:

//var pluginNode = rootNode.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemName == "Third party plugins");
//if (pluginNode != null)
//    pluginNode.ChildNodes.Add(menuItem);


Hope this helps!
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