Multi Store Primary Currency Issues with multiple payment processors

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6 năm cách đây
I have run into a huge problem with the "Primary Currency" using a multi store setup.
I have a multi store setup with 3 stores.
1 store is for the USA and is set to USD$ (This is the Primary Currency)
1 store in for Canada and is set to CAD$
1 store is for Europe and is set to GPB£
All 3 stores use their own individual payment processor so monies are delivered to the proper store/bank account.

The problem is when the customer enters their payment (credit card) information on either the Canada or Europe store they receive the following error.
Payment error: Error #39: The supplied currency code is either invalid, not supported, not allowed for this merchant or doesn't have an exchange rate.
After doing some research it is because nopcommerce (3.9) is transmitting the payment request in USD$ to all the payment processor.
This is a huge problem because the payment processors for Canada only accepts payments in CAD$ and the processors used in Europe only accept payments in GPB£ or EUR€.
So the option to have separate payment processors per store is useless if all the payment are transmitted by NOP in a single currency.
Is this an oversight? Is there any fix or work around to solve this problem?
I have had to postpone launching the Canada & Europe stores until this is resolved.

6 năm cách đây
Has anyone figured out a way to process payments in the currency of the individual store rather than the default currency.
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