3.5 to 3.7 Updgrade Files Help?

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6 năm cách đây

Can someone help explain to me what I need to install or overwrite to upgrade from 3.5 to 3.7?
Do I need to install all the .rar files> what is the changelog.pdf? what is the source code (zip) and (tar.gz)?


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Jeff M - Buffalo Icon Apprel
6 năm cách đây
highwater hobbies wrote:

Can someone help explain to me what I need to install or overwrite to upgrade from 3.5 to 3.7?
Do I need to install all the .rar files> what is the changelog.pdf? what is the source code (zip) and (tar.gz)?


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Jeff M - Buffalo Icon Apprel


You need to download and unzip the following rar files:



First, backup any changes you have made to your stylesheet and views. Then backup your database.

Next, copy/paste the entire contents of the nopCommerce_3.70_NoSource file into your current website...overwriting any files that it asks about.

Next, execute the SQL script in nopCommerce_3.60_UpgradeScripts on your database.

Next, execute the SQL script in nopCommerce_3.70_UpgradeScripts on your database.

Merge any of your customizations in views or the stylesheet into your new site from your backup.


But...I'd suggest that while you are at it you go ahead and upgrade to 3.90. It's much improved.
To do that, you will replace your website files with the ones from this archive:

And after executing the 3.60 and 3.70 SQL scripts, also execute these:


Then merge your changes from the backup.
6 năm cách đây
Awesome thankyou, seems pretty easy and straight forward! really appreciate the help. I will pay it forward some way, just not in the development realm, lol:)
6 năm cách đây
No problem! The best way to say "thanks" is to click the little arrow above the "0" to the right of any post that helps you.
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