Category Header Menu is Available

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13 năm cách đây
joebloe wrote:
Did you add the files through solution explorer?  Right click modules folder-->select add existing item.

Yep, and now the Header Menu has gone lol
13 năm cách đây
Oh, now I saw the conversations and it is very funny...
13 năm cách đây
we3b wrote:
Oh, now I saw the conversations and it is very funny...

I'm still totally lost on this, WE3B put me out of my misery, what am I doing wrong???? lol

The code is there, I have no error's but I now cannot see the Header menu, so Iam nearly there lol I think....

13 năm cách đây
About all I can add at this point is to recommend you start over from scratch and go over the instructions very carefully.  You would not be the first person who ever lost track of where they were.

The reality is this is not that involved of an upgrade.  You probably just missed a step somewhere.
13 năm cách đây
joebloe wrote:
About all I can add at this point is to recommend you start over from scratch and go over the instructions very carefully.  You would not be the first person who ever lost track of where they were.

The reality is this is not that involved of an upgrade.  You probably just missed a step somewhere.

I've now excluded all * HeaderCategoryMenu files and the categoryheadermenu.css from the project and commented out,

<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="HeaderCategoryMenu" Src="~/Modules/HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx" %>


<nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu ID="ctrlHeaderCategoryMenu" runat="server" />

and uncommented

<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="HeaderCategoryMenu" Src="~/Modules/HeaderMenu.ascx" %>


<nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu ID="ctrlHeaderMenu" runat="server" />

I then ran debug and got no error's, the project started again with everything reinstated

My conclusion is that either this does not work for 1.90 by following the installation methods detailed in the instruction or that there is a problem with the code that We3b has written or there are additional code changes required in order to get this feature to work that's not documented, probably the latter....

I wondered if this was in the .css file as I made no changes there!!!

In short, I cannot get this to work, It reported no error's but removed the Headermenu completley, I'm using v1.90 and I.E 8 and also tested this in Firefox 3.16

I'd be really really interested to hear if anyone has got this to work on version 1.90 and what changes outside of the instruction here they undertook in order to get it to work, this feature looks fantastic and I'm wanting to install this on all my projects so I'll watch this thread to keep a close eye on it.

Many thanks to those that helped me so far, I'm very new to this technology (C# .NET and MVWD 2010 Express) so I'm on a steep learning curve.....

13 năm cách đây
Try Firebug.
13 năm cách đây
joebloe wrote:
Try Firebug.

Hi Trevor,

The header menu is not there so firebug cannot see it, were there changes that need to be made in the .CSS file??

We3b's code had some comments in, were there changes needed there?

What ever I need to do from here on I'm struggling with and would really like to take advantage of the code you guy's have made available.

13 năm cách đây
Hello All,

There seems to be a few issues out in the community with regards to the category header menu I supplied a while back.  The version I supplied was for < 1.8.  We3b provided some code for 1.9 that by all accounts should work fine.  To simply things a bit I updated the code to be compatible with 1.9 and added a few more instructions in the README file.

The whole package is in a zip file and I will forward it to bfranklin825 at nopeasy who was gracious enough to host the <1.8 version.  Look for it there.

If you are new to nopCommerce then please take your time and read the instructions carefully.  It is not a difficult process but you can screw things up if you don't follow the directions.


13 năm cách đây
joebloe wrote:
Hello All,

There seems to be a few issues out in the community with regards to the category header menu I supplied a while back.  The version I supplied was for < 1.8.  We3b provided some code for 1.9 that by all accounts should work fine.  To simply things a bit I updated the code to be compatible with 1.9 and added a few more instructions in the README file.

The whole package is in a zip file and I will forward it to bfranklin825 at nopeasy who was gracious enough to host the <1.8 version.  Look for it there.

If you are new to nopCommerce then please take your time and read the instructions carefully.  It is not a difficult process but you can screw things up if you don't follow the directions.



I'd just like to say A Massive thank you to Trevor who has e mailed me and pm'ed me a number of times on this topic and has been a hugh help in helping me finally getting this to work after rebuilding my project for the 2nd time from scratch I finally managed to get this to work.

Trevor, you are a Star, thank you.

Regards Rob
13 năm cách đây
First post here, but have gone through the whole thread to find the solution without having to post.

Process so far:
1. Downloaded 1.9 source code
2. Unzipped to a temp folder and opened solution in VS10
3. Downloaded latest categoryMenu code
4. Integrated into solution per instructions and upon rebuild the following issues appear:

Warning  1  Generation of the designer file for Root.Master failed: Could not load file or assembly 'Nop.BusinessLogic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.  C:\Users\Dan\Desktop\nopCode\NopCommerceStore\MasterPages\Root.Master  0  0  NopCommerceStore

Error  2  The type or namespace name 'CategoryCollection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)  C:\Users\Dan\Desktop\nopCode\NopCommerceStore\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx.cs  33  13  NopCommerceStore

Error  3  The name 'CategoryManager' does not exist in the current context  C:\Users\Dan\Desktop\nopCode\NopCommerceStore\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx.cs  33  51  NopCommerceStore

Warning  4  'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.SimpleTextBox.SkinID' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Control.SkinID'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.  C:\Users\Dan\Desktop\nopCode\NopCommerceStore\Modules\SimpleTextBox.ascx.cs  120  23  NopCommerceStore

Upon completion of the debug, the installer page appeared in IE8 but I haven't moved any further.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  

Also, just to be sure... if I integrate everything through VS, I shouldn't have to copy the files into the website folder structure correct?

Thanks all, Dan
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