Discounts and Special Offers Panel

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13 năm cách đây
Pay-per-click users typically go straight to product page and therefore, don't see any special offers or discounts.  I suggest a right-side-of-screen column with Admin view-controllable panels, one of which should show information and/or links on specials and discounts.

In our case, we offer free shipping for orders >$100, but customers don't see it unless they visit the homepage.

Great sites make the most of visitors and add-on sales are easier than the initial sale trigger.  NopCommerce needs a lot of improvement in features that promote add-on sales.

Some ideas
1.  Pop-up window that appears after an item is added to cart (e.g. "free shipping on orders > $100").
2.  Right side panel that appears on all pages - cart summary, specials, etc.
3.  After purchase special shopping opportunity (unique discount code generator that expires within a certain amount of time) - "Send a gift and save money! Use unique discount code XYZ by midnight tonight to save X%"
4.  Register to receive a discount on this or next order.
13 năm cách đây
Sounds like GoDaddy!
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