
This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
13 năm cách đây
How can I remove the

<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

from the nopCommerce 1.7 header.


13 năm cách đây
vanseo wrote:
How can I remove the

<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

from the nopCommerce 1.7 header.



1) you are talking about admin section header in which it's written nopCommerce 1.7 ?

2) or you're talking about the website footer in which it's written "powered by nopcommerce" ?

If you're talking about 1st point then you can do so by going to nopcommercestore > administration > main.master

comment out this code like this:

<div class="version">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblHeader" />

if you're talking about 2nd point then you can't remove "powered by nopcommerce" unless you pay $50 fee to nopcommerce.
13 năm cách đây
I am talking about your first point but not in the admin area, in the store area.

I want to remove the

<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

from the store area header.

13 năm cách đây
vanseo wrote:
I am talking about your first point but not in the admin area, in the store area.

I want to remove the

<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

from the store area header.


go to nopcommercestore folder > controls > BaseNopMasterPage.cs file

find this code...and change the bold text

i guess you need to re-build your project as you're making changes in .cs file...

protected void AddPoweredBy()
            StringBuilder poweredBy = new StringBuilder();
            poweredBy.Append("<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->");
            poweredBy.Append("<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->");
            Page.Header.Controls.AddAt(Page.Header.Controls.Count, new LiteralControl(poweredBy.ToString()));
13 năm cách đây
My project is live on a webserver.

Does that require a rebuild and if so, how.

13 năm cách đây
vanseo wrote:
My project is live on a webserver.

Does that require a rebuild and if so, how.


1st method:

make change in that .cs file that i told you..
sometimes hosting server re-builts the project itself.

2nd method:

if after making changes to your .cs file, you receive any kind of error message on your website that means server was unable to re-build the project and you need to re-build the project manually

Here's the process:

you must have a copy of your project on your local computer:

open your project solution in Visual Studio

make changes to that .cs file that i told you to remove copyright nopcommerce

now Take a look at this image,


In Visual Studio > On the menu bar (Build) > Select Clean Solution

Once your solution is cleaned successfully


when you're done with the built solution...

no on your local computer/machine > go to nopcommercestore folder > you will see 2 folders "bin" and "obj"

copy these 2 folders and replace these folders with the folders you have on your hosting server

that's it,,visit your website and there should not be any error message. (remember follow these steps to re-build your project only if your server doesn't re-build the project itself, first try to make changes to server file and see if you receive any error msgs or not, if yes then only follow these steps)

Remember - Always make back up of files whenever you make changes to file directly on your server so that if something goes wrong you can go back to original state...

let me know if you face any issues...
13 năm cách đây
vanseo wrote:
My project is live on a webserver.

Does that require a rebuild and if so, how.


ben, everything's working fine now ?
13 năm cách đây
No. I am just saying that my project is not running locally so I can not "recompile" with visual studio.


<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

Is still in the header source.

Help please,

13 năm cách đây
vanseo wrote:
No. I am just saying that my project is not running locally so I can not "recompile" with visual studio.


<!--Powered by nopCommerce - https://www.nopcommerce.com-->
<!--Copyright (c) 2008-2010-->

Is still in the header source.

Help please,


i know you already mentioned that your project is on hosting server

but as i said above:

"you must have a copy of your project on your local computer:"

whenever anyone starts working on any website they test the website locally usiong Visual studio then copy all the website / project files on the server, that's what you did right ? or you never tested your nopcommerce website on local machine and you directly uploaded everything on server ?

You must have a copy of your website on your local machine, whenever you plan to change anything in your website , you make changes in your local machine project and then upload the changes on the server or in other words replace the changed files on the server, that's how it works when you have a live website...as you cannot open your website project from server in visual studio, you have to have a local copy for making changes and then deploy those changes on the server...
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