Hosting Azure: Slow working cart? How increase performance?

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5 năm cách đây
Hi! i have big slow problem with our page…

We use Azure hosting... 1-2 k products, maybe 100 categories/with subcategories, 10-30 k clients, 20-40 users same time (peak ;). Really Small ecommerce, but... our page works really slow… :/

On main category (with filters/ribbons/we show 48 products per line), respond time is 3-4 s, on home page 1,1 s... we use Nop-templates theme… no fireworks… I check nop-templates demo, nopcommerce, nopAccelerate… this works so great… i can open there 10 pages in the same time, where i open 1 page on our…

1. Yesterday i turn on
2. I delete all not used plugins.
3. I delete language which we don't use.
4. Totaj i enable: Load all localized properties on startup, Load all search engine friendly names on startup (we have small catalog and only 1 language).
5. JavaScript bundling and minification, CSS bundling and minification - turn on yesterday (don't know i clear cache, should i restart aplication?)
6. Force SLL all page.  
7. Ignore limit per store (we have only one).

1. We still have 2 themes (default and Element, in hints i read we should delete themes we don't use?)
2. We give different price for CLients registeres / not registered, so we can't use ignore ACL? or it's works different?
3. We don't use CDN.
4. We don't enable ignore discounts - because we give our Clients discount codes? use promotions on products (new/old prices?/tier prices)?
5. We don't cache product price's (in cart Client can use discount code, so we shouldn't enable it?)
6. We use featured product (if i good understand? this is few products showed below product description?)

Any sugestions?
5 năm cách đây
Hi! we found a reason (i think so) why our page crash down / slow worked etc (out of memory itd.). We were thinking, a reason is "something" in Azure (i wrote a lot's of posts about our problems), but after we change server we still had a problem with NOP 4.0.

Nopcommerce worked, but slow and in some case not response and page went gone (in the random situation)... Nop4you helped us, and told to check a default theme and plugins one by one...

And THAT WAS THIS! Maybe it's standard procedure, but we earlier don't tried this (don't know why). In our case problem is third party plugin to analytics... there is REALLY BIG problem with performance... After uninstall this widget. TTFB reduce from 4-8 s... to 1-2 s... our page work ok! There is some strange situation, when this plugin "open" process and start using 10, 20, 30,40,50% CPU and more and more so long until don't kill a page...

So if you have problem with your NOP 4.0. Check your theme/plugins... In PM i can write you name plugin which one "killed" our page... maybe you also have installed it, and this is a reason. I don't want to write a name here, because in a future this plugin can be optimized, and i like this developer, because he helped me many times... but i think this plugin cost us not 50$, but something about XX k $ lost income. This open my eyes, it's really important to check all plugins... even if it's "certificated developer".

I write here because maybe it's help somebody else.
5 năm cách đây
We're happy that our tips helped you. Checking the store and the used extensions is always the best, the simplest and the cheapest solution.

5 năm cách đây
I'm afraid it's something more ;( Page faster now, but still something kill it...

The best hint:
DON'T upgrade nopcommerce to 4.0.
5 năm cách đây
Check and make sure your App Service/Web server instance is running in the same region as your SQL database. I accidentally deployed across two different regions and combining them into the same region made a world of difference. The web and data tier are chatty and there's a big difference in latency between in-region and between-region traffic, even between nearby regions.
5 năm cách đây
Hi Zyje_sobie,

Are you still facing problems with your site?

Quick items for review -
1. I'll recommend using data and view caching where ever possible.
2. js and css download size and number of requests
3. Using lazy-loading to load products gradually
4. CDN is higly recommended. CloudFlare is free so there is no reason to not to use it.
5. Regarding demo sites -
   i. - don't have products on landing page
   ii. - only have handful of products on landing. Used lazy load on category pages
       for performance boost.
   iii. - They are also not showing many products
6. Any reason - you have to show 48 products?

Please check our site and let us know how you like its performance - [][/url] . Happy to follow-up further.

5 năm cách đây
We stop using Azure… but on dedicated server problem was still active. December for us was disaster and 4.0 version almost destroy our business... (page works fine... but sometimes something "starting" and our page stop response… GA show 100 users online… but if you look for they behavior, you see they start leaving… so all days of december we look 18 hours per day… is GA show "normal" behavior... We try lots "fix" but without result. That was strange because when we go on our page it's works normal (sometimes few minutes later stop work for us)… but when we make restart nopcommerce… 100 users fast grow to 200 … or more…

We actual try move to 4.1 and we are hope, this problem will be solved… if not, maybe we need to close business... Sad to say, but upgrade from 3.7  > 4.0 was the worst decision last year :(

It's pretty and fast... but there is something wrong. :/
5 năm cách đây
Please do not close your business. We are here to help.

Did you look at nop error logs? Windows events log?

How is the cpu and ram usage?

Please stop any nop background jobs that you don't need. Also, uninstall the plugins, which are not required.
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