In my attempt to optimize my site, I came across the fact that ProductTags.aspx page has the same title no matter what tag you're viewing.

My solution is to modify the codebehind to the following:

public partial class ProductTagPage : BaseNopPage
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //rewrote to include Tag name in page title
            var tagID = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]);
            var title = "";
            var productTag = ProductManager.GetProductTagById(tagID);
            if (productTag == null)
                title = GetLocaleResourceString("PageTitle.ProductTags");
                title = string.Format(Server.HtmlEncode(productTag.Name))+" WHATEVER ELSE YOU WANT IN THE TITLE";

            SEOHelper.RenderTitle(this.Page, title, true);

The Manufacturer.aspx page changes title with different manufacturers, so why shouldn't the ProductTag page do the same?

I know this is probably a hokey workaround, but it works none the less.  If anyone has a better method, let me know.  Thanks.

P.S.  This is v1.6

P.P.S.  You could also RenderMetaTag as well.  Google's Webmastertools has issues with pages that have duplicate meta tags.