products per page

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15 năm cách đây
Hi, does anyone Know how to select how many products per page are visible ie. 10, 20 30 etc from admin, or is not possible yet ?
15 năm cách đây
It's not implemented yet. This feature will be available in the next release
15 năm cách đây
will this feature be added to blog? Thankyou
15 năm cách đây
What blog?
15 năm cách đây
sorry, i noticed if i keep posting comments on blog the page ends up being 50 foot long, rather than in groups like 10,20 next etc (no paging)
13 năm cách đây
Any updates on this?  The posting from 2008 said this feature will be available in the next release, but I still do not see how to do it using the admin screens.

Has the "Products Per Page" ever been implemented in nopCommerce?  For example, if I select a Manufacturer in the Public Store, is there a way to only show 10 products for the manufacturer on a page instead of showing all products on a single page?
13 năm cách đây
Yes you need to set this in admin area. Just go to your manufacturer then SEO tab and the last line is Page size there you can set the number how many products you want to see on the page.
The same think is for categories in SEO tab you can change Page size it means product number on the actual page.
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