Amazon Product Importer

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13 năm cách đây
deccks wrote:
I have added the Amazon Search for nopCommerce to the download page. This control allows users who visit your website to search for items using the nopCommerce search tool and displays search results from Amazon along with any items from your inventory that match the search criteria. To download the script go to:

All you have to do to make the control work is use the nopCommerce search box.

Looks great !!!

So products from amazon could be purchased on nopCommerce based website ?

If yes, then:

The product is being displayed as - Buy New / Buy Used at different prices, so there are more than 1 "Add to cart" button for each product ?
13 năm cách đây
At the moment, the search function only opens up new windows that takes you to amazon's website to buy an item.

You do have a good idea and I will research how to merge an Amazon shopping cart with the nopCommerce shopping cart and make checkout as seamless as possible.
13 năm cách đây
Hi, I have tried this code and it works well - thank you for doing it. However, I have two questions..
1. After importing the product, all the amazon details are at the top .. rather than populated into the fields below (on the product setup screen)... this seems like one step short of where it needs to be? Am I missing something here?

2. In the Product search facility, I would like it to search the UK amazon.. or at least return everything in UK prices... but I am not sure how to get it to do this. Any ideas on this?

13 năm cách đây
So what about the front end for Product importer. Does the control contain the code needed for redirecting to amazon?

Also please take a look how we did AmazonCheckout on, it is all integrated with Amazon...
13 năm cách đây
The front end does open a new window so that the user is redirected to Amazon. However, I think that if I were to merge an Amazon shopping cart with a nopCommerce shopping cart, I would have to add a field or 2 to the shopping cart database table. At least one field so that I could differentiate between Amazon products and nopCommerce products.

I will definitely work with this some more and incorporate all of your suggestions.

Thanks for the suggestions!
13 năm cách đây
I would suggest to make a new table shoppingCart_Amazon and have it in relationship 1-1 to the existing table. Since your solution is not part of NopCommerce release, it will keep it clean and make it possible to easily update the code... This way you do not need to modify existing tables...
13 năm cách đây
This is what you need. A way for amazon sellers to import their product lists from their inventory easily. An example would be in Magento. An extension like this for ebay would be great as well.
13 năm cách đây
Here is the magento link to see what i am talking about.
13 năm cách đây
Dear Deccks

I was so happy and relieved that I found your posting for an Amazon Product Importer script for nopCommerce. The install instructions looked very clear and straight forward. Unfortunately, when I followed these instructions (to the letter many times over) I was getting an error in the page as follows:

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:AmazonProductImporter'.

Source Error:

Line 195:    <div id="idTab_Info1" class="tab">
Line 196:        <%} %>
Line 197:        <nopCommerce:AmazonProductImporter ID="api" AssociateTag="myTag" AmazonAccessKey="myKey" SecretKey="MySecret" runat="server" />
Line 198:        <table class="adminContent">
Line 199:            <tr>

Source File: /nopCommerce1/administration/Modules/ProductInfoAdd.ascx    Line: 197

Obviously the values for the AssociateTag, AmazonAccessKey and SecretKey were changed to mine in the actual page script. I was running the nopCommerce app on my local machine IIS.

Would you be so kind to tell me what am I doing wrong here?

Thank you in advance.
13 năm cách đây
Make sure you are compiling your project.
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